The Million Roses: 5 Tips for Deeply (and Effectively) Connecting With Prospective Buyers

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Many businesses have a clearly defined target audience, but this is no guarantee that they will be able to connect with prospective buyers. While many of the most successful entrepreneurs build their foundation off of authentic and meaningful connections, others struggle to find ways to effectively connect.

As Doniz Pauillac, COO of luxury preserved roses retailer The Million Roses explains, however, business leaders in all industries can form deeper, more lasting connections with their prospects as they incorporate a few key principles.

1. Avoid the One-Size-Fits-All Mindset

“When we try to give a meaningful gift to the important people in our lives, we don’t just give everyone the same thing,” Pauillac says. “You need to have the same mindset when trying to connect with your prospective buyers. Each of them are individuals. They have different interests, desires, goals, worries, concerns and so on. One size fits all isn’t the answer because what works for one prospect won’t appeal to another. You have to adapt your offerings and pitch in a way that demonstrates meaningful value.”

Essentially, this boils down to the refrain that prospects are people, too. No business should assume that what worked for or appealed to one converted prospect will automatically help them win another. They must put in the work to tailor their offerings to each prospect, giving options to meet a broad range of needs.

2. Personalize Your Interactions

As part of the process of tailoring pitches and services to prospects, business leaders must be mindful of how they personalize each interaction. In fact, today’s customers want strong relationships with their favorite brands, with 57% increasing their spending with brands that they feel a strong connection with.

“Having marketing messages or sales scripts can be helpful, but they’re not going to win people over,” Pauillac notes. “Prospects can tell when you’re having a real conversation with them or just going off of a script. Personalization means more than filling their name in the blank. It means displaying empathy, adapting the conversation as needed and genuinely responding to their questions and needs. You can still set parameters for these conversations, but you must individualize your interactions if you want to make a positive impression.”

3. Strive to Understand Their Pain Points

A core part of individualizing prospect interactions comes down to striving to truly understand their pain points. “Even when two different prospects have an interest in the same product or service, their motivations for that interest could be completely different,” Pauillac explains.

“This is why every business leader needs to talk less and listen more, so they can understand what is driving the interest from each prospect in the first place. You need to focus on the prospect and what they’re saying — or not saying — so you can understand their core challenges, ask deeper questions and identify solutions that will be the most meaningful to them.”

4. Show Your Appreciation

While many businesses understand the importance of showing appreciation to their clients or customers, far fewer express appreciation to prospects. But as Pauillac explains, even small gestures of appreciation can help you make a more memorable impression.

“Regardless of whether they choose to do business with you or not, each prospect is sacrificing some of their time to learn more about your offerings and to engage with you. Their time is valuable, particularly when they have other responsibilities at their own company. When you follow up with prospects, don’t just check in to see if they’ve made a purchasing decision. Express your gratitude to them for taking the time to consider you. While discounts or free demos can certainly be persuasive, even something as simple as a few words of appreciation can make a big difference.”

5. Find Ways to Continue the Conversation

Finally, leaders should always be mindful of how they can continue the conversation with a prospect. In fact, while 80% of sales require at least five followup calls, 48% of salespeople don’t make any followup attempts after their initial conversation with a prospect.

“Regardless of how that initial conversation ends, you should actively consider ways you can follow up — and follow through — with each prospect,” Pauillac advises.

“How you do it can vary depending on the prospect and the nature of your last conversation. Some might prefer an email or phone call, while with others you might be better served by following them on LinkedIn. The important thing is that you’re establishing that this isn’t a one-time conversation. You’re showing that you’re committed to continuing the conversation to help them reach a decision.”

While you should be careful to not be overly pushy with followup communications, engaging with prospective buyers in a natural, personalized way after the initial conversation will help you stay top of mind and hopefully drive additional meaningful interactions.

Better Connections Mean More Customers

While making the effort to connect with prospects on a deeper level isn’t going to guarantee a sale, you are guaranteed to make a much more positive impression than you would otherwise. As you focus on each prospect as an individual and treat them as such, you will become more likely to win them over and get the opportunity to truly prove your value.


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