DJ Sackmann and HoopStudy Are Changing The Way Basketball Individuals Learn The Game

HoopStudy is impacting the growth & development of basketball players and coaches across the world through its online basketball courses. Company founder, DJ Sackmann otherwise known as one of the top basketball coaches globally, created HoopStudy to help individuals learn the game from experts in the basketball space. The program has a core focus on basketball IQ and aims to improve individuals knowledge through extremely detailed basketball courses. Hoopstudy is currently the largest basketball course platform in the world with over 3,000 video lessons. 

To take a look further, we sat down with CEO & founder DJ Sackmann to learn more about his vision and core focus for the future growth of HoopStudy. 

Why Did You Create HoopStudy? 

With much of the world post pandemic integrated online for just about any day to day activities, DJ knew a basketball E-Learning platform would be an amazing resource for all of the basketball athletes & coaches looking to improve their game. DJ went on to say “I started the platform because the majority of individuals across the country are learning from part time basketball coaches or parents. The reality of it is there’s just simply a lack of basketball coaches. So instead of the players having to rely on a parent or a volunteer teaching them the game, they can now turn to us to learn the game and build their IQ digitally. We have thousands of members across the country sitting down and going over these courses at home on their phones or computers and we have gotten tremendous feedback from our members because of its unique experience. All these players are finally using an E-Learning as a resource that’s focused around their passions.” 

What Tips Would You Give An Athlete Looking To Improve Their Game? 

“Number 1, keep having fun. The game is supposed to be fun, this is why you’re playing. So always come back to that. Too many players get stressed out when they start considering playing time and moving up. Don’t let this happen. Remember why you play, enjoy it! Number 2, get a consistent weekly schedule that involves a basketball workout, a strength workout, and free play. If you can do those three things and play with your team on top of it, you will put yourself in a good spot. I see a lot of players never plan a weekly workout schedule and it really hinders their success. Come up with a plan, start the plan, and pivot as you see fit.” 

HoopStudy Capabilities & Future Community Growth 

For $24 a month you can access a membership to HoopStudy’s E-Learning online platform. There are over 2,500 video lessons inside the platform with a new course added every month. The platform currently has thousands of players, coaches and trainers of all ages learning through these digital courses. HoopStudy has been praised by brands and companies such as: ESPN, Adidas, Forbes, Sports Center, & many other household names within the basketball world. To join the community today, and access information from some of the best minds in basketball — click here.

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