Helping People Breathe Healthier: VizAeras Presents Innovation for Simplified Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Access to Healthier Indoor Spaces

In today’s digital and fast-paced world, people have taken extra measures to monitor health and fitness, from the steps they take every day to the quantity and quality of sleep they get at night. But no one has ever paid that much attention to the quality of the air they breathe until VizAeras arrived. The company takes away the complications of determining indoor air quality. It presents a simple innovation that allows people to visualize what they’re breathing in a few clicks through their new Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) monitor called indôr.

VizAeras stands for visual air. The company utilizes patent-pending technology merged with cutting-edge monitoring capabilities that allow people to visualize what they are breathing. With many threats posing against people’s health every day, it’s vital for everyone to stay vigilant down to knowing what microscopic particles and harmful chemicals or gasses are in the air they’re taking in. 

“Indôr’s unique approach to monitoring IEQ provides households and business operators with the ability to not only monitor, track, and share access to healthy building conditions with occupants but also respond to any potentially harmful indoor conditions in real-time in order to keep loved ones, employees, students, and customers safe, productive, and healthy,” explained Carl Tautenhahn, co-founder and CEO of VizAeras.

VizAeras recently launched a campaign on StartEngine to help fund the indôr IEQ monitor. Indôr will be the first in the market to bring more transparency, awareness, and access to healthy building conditions, creating safer, healthier, and more productive spaces for the people who occupy such contained spaces, including schools, offices, and homes.

Studies have revealed that poor indoor air quality affects 33% to 50% of commercial buildings in the United States alone. Such poor air quality was responsible for over 10 million lost workdays per year. The number exponentially grows on a global scale as approximately 3.8 million people die annually as a result of indoor air pollution.

Indôr will provide a thorough analysis of a room’s temperature, relative humidity, bVOCs and tVOCs, carbon dioxide content, particulate matter, and many other factors that contribute to the entire quality of air circulating within the walls of various indoor spaces.

As the CEO stressed, harmful pollution does not just exist outdoors. People spend 90% of their time every day in indoor spaces, making it even more crucial for them to map, track, and monitor indoor environmental quality conditions to protect themselves and the people within their buildings, commercial spaces, or homes. 

“No other indoor air quality or IEQ device on the market allows for simple remote monitoring and quick-scan QR code access for any commercial building, with an easy-to-use share and compare feature that allows users to easily monitor and track indoor pollution exposure at frequented or favorite locations,” said Tautenhahn. “Indôr provides the tools necessary to easily detect dangerous pollutants and take action to remedy before occupants fall ill and become less productive,” he added further.

VizAeras recently won the Best IoT Indoor Air Quality Monitor award at the annual IMPACT 21 digital marketing conference, a testament to the company’s commitment to changing the way people breathe and contributing to helping people achieve a healthier life in “the great indoors.” While Google mapped “The Great Outdoors”, VizAeras intends to map and track IEQ conditions for “The Great Indoors” where we live, work, learn, heal, pray, and play.  

More information about VizAeras can be found on its website here. You can also watch this YouTube video to learn more about the indôr product and support the brand’s crowdfunding efforts at StartEngine.

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