In a world marked by growing conflicts and geopolitical tensions, the aviation industry finds itself at a critical crossroads and facing a boom in new development and international democratization like no other period since World War II. Demand for versatile and adaptive unmanned military aircraft has surged to unprecedented levels.
The relatively low barriers to entry in the unmanned space also meant that many nations and non-state actors could develop their own unmanned aircraft instead of purchasing from their NATO or Warsaw pact suppliers. Perhaps no other nation that Turkey has taken advantage of this with their Baykar Tech, the company behind the successful Bayraktar UAVs. This surge has catalyzed a paradigm shift towards multifunctional aviation, where aircraft are designed not only for civilian transport but also for military, humanitarian, and agricultural purposes. The progress of Edison Aerospace in this field, including multiple dual-use UAV designs, is another example of a successful startup taking off in a crowded segment.

The aviation industry, long a symbol of human progress and the interconnectedness of a rapidly shrinking world, now faces the daunting challenge of adapting to a world increasingly defined by uncertainty and conflict. From the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East to simmering tensions in the South China Sea, the need for agile and versatile aviation solutions has never been more pressing
One of the key driving forces behind the push for multifunctional aviation is the desire to enhance operational flexibility in conflict zones. Traditional manned military aircraft, while formidable in combat scenarios, often lack the versatility needed to address the complex challenges posed by modern warfare. In some cases, both on the ground and in the air, unmanned platforms are capable of feats that are unthinkable for their manned counterparts. As a result, there has been a growing emphasis on developing aircraft capable of performing a wide range of missions, from reconnaissance and surveillance to close air support and military/civilian/humanitarian cargo delivery.
Gene Avakyan, the CEO of Edison Aerospace recently announced several aerospace inventions and already have something to offer to the US and allied defense industries. Edison’s novel vehicles include their original agricultural spray aircraft with 1,700lbs cargo capacity, which has expanded into a multi-role cargo aircraft platform design capable of carrying a 1,700lb (770kg) payload over 200 miles (320km). Designed as a front-line cargo delivery platform, a variant of this design will be dedicated to a close air support combat role to deliver munitions against ground targets.

“The shift towards multifunctional aviation is not limited to conflict zones. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the role that aviation can play in addressing pressing global humanitarian challenges, such as food security and environmental sustainability. With the world’s population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, there is an urgent need to improve agricultural productivity and efficiency. Aviation, with its ability to provide aerial monitoring, crop spraying, and transportation services, is poised to play a pivotal role in revolutionizing the agricultural sector, and this was the original goal of Edison Aerospace,” said Gene Avakyan about the shift in the industry.
“Today the world finds itself in a period of profound turbulence, with conflicts and crises unfolding across the globe. In these times, the aerospace industry must adapt and innovate to meet the evolving US defense needs and those of its allies. By embracing the concept of multifunctional aviation, manufacturers can not only enhance military capabilities but also contribute to humanitarian efforts, agricultural development, and environmental sustainability. In doing so, they can help pave the way for a safer, more resilient, and interconnected world while defending the freedom that the West has actively worked for since 1946,” he added.
Edison’s innovation is not limited to the skies above, as another of their new patented designs is a high-speed unmanned kamikaze surface vessel that can submerge in the final attack phase to approach its targets silently and nearly undetected. What may once have been unthinkable – that small, unmanned, remote-controlled boats could drive a large navy out of their traditional area of operations – has now become reality. Edison seeks to design and build the next generation of such maneuverable and multi-mission capable vessels.
Edison Aerospace has numerous innovative initiatives planned for 2024 for both civilian and defense industries. Along with Edison Aerospace, which is headed by the dynamic duo of Gene Avakyan and Victoria Unikel, they also founded and operate another tech company – Shoreline Protection Technology – whose mission it is to save the planet’s beaches from wave erosion by implementing its patented technology and marine biodegradable materials. Talks are underway in the Middle East and the US to put this technology to work. Another company also founded by Gene Avakyan and Victoria Unikel is VUGA Media Group, a media and marketing company, which is dedicated to promoting and marketing all the services offered by their portfolio of companies.
Published by: Nelly Chavez