Born Free Dog Training: A Journey of Determination and Success

Born Free Dog Training
Photo Credited to Born Free Dog Training

Los Angeles, CA – Founded in 2021 by Logan, Born Free Dog Training has quickly established itself as a trusted pet training facility in Los Angeles, California. Offering a wide range of services that cater to different breeds, lifestyles, and behavior types, the facility has become a beacon of hope for pet owners seeking effective and affordable training solutions.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Logan’s journey to success was marked by adversity during his school years, which ultimately led him to leave the city in search of something more. His quest took him to Idaho, Alaska, and eventually back to LA, where he discovered his true calling in dog training. Beginning as a novice dog trainer, Logan honed his skills over time, eventually rising to the position of lead dog trainer. However, he soon realized that his compensation did not reflect his expertise, prompting Logan to make the bold decision to break away from his previous employer and establish Born Free Dog Training.

Logan attributes his success not only to his unwavering determination but also to the unending support of his family and friends. He derives immense joy from helping people and their dogs, explaining, “Seeing people happy and knowing I can make a difference in their lives gives me joy. I love the respect I get from my job, and it motivates me to keep going.”

At Born Free Dog Training, the core principle is to ensure both happiness and results for their clients, regardless of budget constraints or training complexities. Their team of skilled cynologists understands that each pet is unique and employs refined techniques to help owners and their furry companions achieve their desired training goals. Whether it’s basic obedience or full military protection, they offer customized solutions to meet every need.

The success of Born Free Dog Training can be attributed to the strong bond and love for animals exhibited by their team. At the center is Logan, the head trainer, whose methods have garnered international recognition. When asked about future plans, Logan’s response reflects his dedication to his craft: “It does not matter if I have millions in the bank; the end goal is to share the wisdom I have gained from attaining dog training skills. I am still learning, and until I have nothing left to share, I will continue to do so.”

During his free time, Logan enjoys spending quality moments with his family and friends, with a special affinity for a close friend in Virginia, a war veteran whom he deeply admires. Looking to the future, Logan envisions eventually returning to Alaska or Virginia with his friend once he decides to retire. He is drawn to the sense of community and brotherhood in small, remote cities, something he believes is missing in larger metropolitan areas like Los Angeles.

In closing, Logan’s message is clear: “I realized at a young age that life is not all about doing what I want; life is about furthering other people’s lives. At the end of life, it won’t be about how I felt but how I made others feel. I don’t like the idea of being helpless; I want to be the helper.” He encourages everyone to work and highlights the importance of having a skill that people can’t live without.

Logan’s journey is a testament to the power of determination and the impact one can make by following their passion. Born Free Dog Training continues to thrive, making a difference in the lives of pet owners and their beloved furry companions while inspiring others to find their own path to success.


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