De’Andre Salter Teaches Financial Freedom in New Book The Culture of Money

It is no secret that everyone desires financial freedom and possibly create generational wealth. However, not everyone knows how to go about it, nor are they aware of patterns that lead to self-sabotage. De’Andre Salter helps people through the financial maze with insight and experience.

Financial expert and entrepreneur De’Andre Salter is a notable and celebrated figure among the leading black executives in the insurance industry. He is also an ordained Bishop, presently serving as the senior pastor of Impact Church in South Plainfield, New Jersey. He is a motivational speaker and author with a Master’s degree in Theology and currently pursuing his Doctorate in Ministry.

Among the distinctive traits of De’Andre Salter are his drive and his work ethic. He was a high-flyer in his earlier years, earning his Bachelor’s degree from Drew University in only three years. After graduation, he opted for a career in the insurance industry. Starting out as an underwriter, he quickly rose through the ranks of professional success. His life and career path seemed to be progressing smoothly; however, a series of events made it clear that although he was making money, his understanding of sustainable wealth was severely lacking. He ended up filing for bankruptcy by the age of 21.

This rude shock caused Salter to take a critical look at his life and his decisions. He realized that the environment he grew up in had preconditioned him with a mindset that was severely limiting his push for lasting success. According to him, most of the people he grew up with were the archetypes for financial instability, and it took grace and dogged commitment to break out of that cycle.

De’Andre Salter has always been a man of faith – attending and serving in the church was a regular part of his life. Through immense effort and the application of biblical wisdom in his affairs, Salter was able to pick himself up again, going on to build a multi-million-dollar company in the years that followed. It is reputed to be the largest Black-owned wholesale insurance brokerage in the United States. He also had a stellar nineteen-year career as senior vice president with three different Fortune 100 insurance companies.

Through his many successes, Salter never lost sight of his unrelenting passion for helping others strengthen their faith, families, and communities. He is continually seeking opportunities to reach out to people to help them discover God’s plan for their lives and increase their career success. He remarks that he has accepted the challenge of “the civil rights issue of our day,” which is financial illiteracy. This zeal led him to write a book – The Culture of Money – to bridge the wealth gap for people of Colour, especially those from the African diaspora, and give them a seat at the economic table.

The Culture of Money is a refreshing and insightful approach to sustainable wealth creation aimed through the lenses of the economic experiences of Black people. It is a surgical approach to the prevalent school of thought of Black people on finances. It helps identify patterns and the negative financial behaviors that may be working against them. Utilizing a blend of financial psychology, behavioral finance, and biblical wisdom, The Culture of Money lays the framework for financial health community wealth building while awakening the community to the need for it. One could say of Bishop De’Andre, that this is a different type of altar call. The heart of the book’s value system is inspired by the scripture, “A righteous man passes down wealth to his children and his children’s children.”

In the coming years, the father of four hopes to change the present narrative in Black communities and shift families towards a positive money culture. He desires to help over a million individuals to gain financial freedom so that collectively, Black people can live a better life.

Learn more about Bishop De’Andre Salter and his book by connecting with him on Facebook, or visit the official website for The Culture of Money.


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