X Ways To Attain Loyalty From Your Marketing Channels

According to recent statistics, 60% to 70% of revenue is made from existing customers, with the opportunity for profit to increase by 25% with just a 5% customer retention increase. With this in mind, it’s clear that customer retention – earned through customer loyalty – is one of the most important things for your B2B company to get right.

But how exactly do you achieve that loyalty? If you’re serious about creating a long-term business plan, and getting through the current financial turmoil that is rocking the UK, then you’ve likely already attained a B2B loyalty program to offer rewards for repeat purchases, and help build a network of healthy and satisfied clients. So, is there anything else you need to do to ensure that loyalty is achieved?

The Importance Of Marketing Channels

Well, yes, there is. With the importance of existing customers in mind, your b2b marketing channels are not so much there to entice new customers, but to market to your existing client base and keep them engaged with your company. Key marketing channels include:

  • Email
  • B2B Loyalty Programme
  • Social Media
  • In-Person Events
  • Website
  • LinkedIn
  • Video Marketing

With a loyalty programme already procured, you will need to focus on the rest of these marketing channels and make sure that you are gleaning everything out of them. Here are three ways you can ensure that you do that:

Use Multiple Social Media Platforms

First off, don’t think that you can just create a business LinkedIn account and leave it at that. The world of digital marketing has grown far bigger than that over the last few years. Now it’s about creating accounts on a number of platforms, to make sure that no clients are missed out. 

Remember, every one of your clients are just as important as the others, so don’t be content with leaving any of them behind. Create multiple accounts, and make sure that you utilise all of them, creating constant, engaging content, while also engaging with your customers to build that trust and transparency.

Conduct Regular Face-To-Face Meetings

One of the most important marketing channels on that list is “in-person events”. Now that digital marketing has taken over, a lot of your competitors will not be spending money to curate in-person events, believing that they can gain the same type of reward through digital means.

But B2B is all about building relationships and stripping down barriers between your company and the client. The best way to do that is face-to-face, with regular meetings for you to strengthen your relationships and make it harder for a customer to stray.

Personalise Everything

Lastly, you need to make sure that you personalise everything. If a client messages you on social media with a query or complaint, reply directly to it. If you are sending out emails – which is still the most rewarding form of marketing – then make sure they are not batch emails with zero personalisation. 

Your customers want to feel valued, and if they feel valued, they are more likely to continue working with you and using your products or services. Make sure that you personalise your emails, mail, social media, and any other form of contact, so that your customers know that they are not just a number on a spreadsheet.


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