While mortgage professionals love to assist new homeowners with getting the financing they need for their dream houses, they have always been at a disadvantage in their industry. All it takes is for a pandemic or some other major event to hit, and the housing market is thrown into a state of flux, with prices rising or falling dramatically. That impacts the jobs of mortgage bankers, who struggle to know where in the United States to search for a new position. To optimize their efforts and save time, BankerMatch.com has created “Know Your Worth,” a free calculator that provides the current market compensation and sign-on bonus range that companies anywhere in America are willing to offer for their skills and experience.
BankerMatch.com is on a mission to make it much easier for top mortgage professionals to be matched with top mortgage banks and brokers. Its philosophy is simple: it is time to use today’s technology to make recruiting and placing the best talent easier for everyone involved. BankerMatch.com is dedicated to bringing the best minds in the mortgage industry together, in the most efficient, seamless way possible, thereby optimizing the talent pool and fostering innovation in the sector. It is their belief that through smarter, technology-enabled matchmaking, the mortgage industry can reach new heights of professionalism and service quality.
With the power of AI, machine learning algorithms, and natural language technology, BankerMatch.com is accomplishing three goals. First, it is taking the guesswork out of matches by utilizing specialized criteria, including company size, culture, location, compensation packages, and products offered. Second, it is doing the due diligence for brokers and mortgage banks, saving them time. Third, it is opening up the entire United States market for mortgage bankers, allowing them to know where they can find their perfect jobs. To date, BankerMatch.com has successfully placed 400+ branch managers and 1,000+ loan officers.
BankerMatch.com ultimately believes that knowledge is power. In providing “Know Your Worth,” its team hopes that more mortgage loan officers will be able to take control of their career paths. Whether a job seeker is interested in moving to the other side of the country or from a city to a small town, they can learn about potential compensation and bonus packages in only ten minutes. With that information, they can compare markets and make the right life decisions for themselves. In an industry known for its unpredictability, that is power.
To learn more about the exciting impact of AI/ML and natural language technology on how mortgage professionals are matched with banks and brokers, check out BankerMatch.com.
BankerMatch.com is the number 1 recruiting and placement firm in the mortgage industry. It strives to be the leader in connecting banks with the most trusted and reliable professionals. Its team uses cutting-edge AI technology to find perfect matches, negotiate pricing and compensation, and take care of all due diligence. BankerMatch.com is committed to delivering quick, efficient, and effective matches that help its clients achieve success.
For more information about BankerMatch.com and its “Know Your Worth” calculator, please see its website or Instagram.