Tax & Bankability Expert™ Peter Diamond’s Book Empowers Ordinary Employees to Think Outside the Box and Take Control of Their Wealth

Not everyone who dreams of being able to build wealth and achieve financial freedom outside of their IRA or 401(k) plans wants to leave their day jobs. No one understands this more than Seasoned CFO and Tax & Bankability Expert Peter Diamond. For this reason, he wants to empower ordinary employees to start building a cash flowing portfolio without having to leave their careers through his book titled The Diamond Wealth Real Estate System: A Simple Guide to Building a Cash-flowing Portfolio Without Quitting Your Day Job.

It is a known reality that a lot of employees feel stuck by the Golden Handcuffs where they are right now. However, at the same time, they are not ready to leave their careers behind to try something new. As much as they want to venture into something that would greatly improve their financial standing in life, they cannot see themselves giving up the career they have worked so hard to achieve. Peter teaches the need to take control of their time and investments with assets that compound on their own, even if the owners are not directly involved.

Peter recommends the Diamond Wealth Real Estate System, which he considers the best system for people to enter the real estate game. As the owner of a niche consulting and tax advisory firm, Peter has been around long enough to understand which industry will bring the best results for people with limited time to dedicate to real estate. “The American Dream is alive and well, and real estate is your ticket in,” he would always say.

The Diamond Wealth Real Estate System will educate readers how they can save a great deal versus the traditional way of buying income-producing real estate properties with 20% down or more. It will also show them how to identify the right market and create deal flow. In the book, Peter also elaborates on the tools necessary to access the capital they need, how to build bankability and bring together a team, increase their passive cash flow and wealth with the buy-and-hold strategy, and how to legally minimize liability and exposure.

Peter’s methods are very pragmatic and can be applied right away. His rich experience in his field of expertise gives him a unique perspective that is not common to anyone. By sharing his valuable insights, he hopes to inspire people to take a risk and start strategically building their wealth. Ultimately, Peter hopes to see more people live a balanced life, one that allows them to have more than enough time to be with their loved ones as they continue to earn from their investment choices.

Value lifestyle over money. Value passive income with flexible time to spend with loved ones over active income with zero time for loved ones,” Peter shared.

Peter’s book is rich with possibilities that can make a lasting impact on the lives of its readers. His wealth of experience in real estate makes him one of the most qualified to talk about promising opportunities available in it.

For Peter Diamond, it is not yet too late, especially if people learn all the ropes by reading The Diamond Wealth Real Estate System: A Simple Guide to Building a Cash-flowing Portfolio Without Quitting Your Day Job. “You will have control over your wealth, time and energy. You’ll be livin’ the dream,” Peter promised.

The Diamond Wealth Real Estate System is now available on Amazon and on Peter’s website.




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