How Miranda Daisy Is Working to Empower Educators Globally

Photo Courtesy: Perform Ability
Photo Courtesy: Perform Ability

By: Joshua Finley

When Miranda Daisy identified a pressing need for greater inclusivity in the performing arts, she didn’t just observe from the sidelines; she leaped into action. Founding Perform Ability, a performing arts studio, Miranda leveraged her dance background and leadership expertise to establish a pioneering institution that provides opportunities for people with disabilities to engage in the arts. “I’ve always recognized the importance of dance,” Miranda reflects, “but it was only through this journey that I discovered its power to radically transform lives.” 

Inclusivity in the Arts

Miranda’s initial venture into inclusive performing arts education was marked by an encounter with a young student with a hearing impairment and Down syndrome who joined a dance class where Miranda held the position of Principal. Upon further conversation, Miranda discovered this was the first studio where this girl was allowed to train. “Other studios had claimed to have no capacity or were full. I knew this couldn’t be the case.” Watching the students in classes and performing on stage after years of rejection, Miranda was made aware of a global problem—a dire shortage of accessible opportunities for incredibly talented performers with disabilities. She didn’t know exactly what it would look like, but she knew she needed to be part of the change in bringing these opportunities to individuals with disabilities worldwide. Further fueled by the gratitude Miranda saw from her student’s mom, Miranda set forth to bridge this gap, establishing her own performing arts studio – Perform Ability.

The Journey of Self-Study 

Following her decision to open a business geared to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities around the world, Miranda found herself with a significant learning curve ahead of her. “There was so much to learn. From working with wheelchair users, learning to communicate in various styles, and learning how the eight senses work, my mind was opened to both the magic of performing arts and to the lives of people living with disabilities.” Her journey went far beyond that; she also needed to learn many practical aspects of her business. Whether buying soft props for safety or learning to navigate the complex world of government funding to help serve her students even more, she quickly found that she needed to become an expert in many things that most people know very little about. 

Miranda Daisy
Photo Courtesy: Perform Ability

Lessons in Empowerment

Throughout her experience building Perform Ability into a successful venture, Miranda has learned many lessons about how to effectively serve the disability community and continue growing as an organization. Here are three pivotal lessons she shares:

  • You’re Always Learning: Miranda stresses the critical importance of lifelong learning for educators and leaders alike. “The landscape of teaching and inclusivity is ever-evolving, necessitating a commitment to continuous learning,” she explains. This ethos of perpetual growth ensures that Perform Ability remains a beacon of progressive and inclusive performing arts education.
  • Effective Communication: At the heart of Miranda’s methodology lies a nuanced understanding of effective communication techniques. Prioritizing clarity and empathy, whether engaging with students who are d/Deaf, clients with a communicative delay, and their families, Miranda strives to create an environment where every participant feels acknowledged and valued. “Learning to communicate effectively with nonverbal students has been a journey of understanding and adaptability,” Miranda shares.
  • The Power of Performing Arts: Miranda’s experience of seeing her student’s lives transformed through the arts has strengthened her belief in the power of the arts in fostering self-expression, confidence, and communal connection. “Witnessing the remarkable journey of our students has solidified my belief in dance and music as a powerful medium for empowerment and improving lives,” Miranda observes.

A Future of Inclusivity

Looking ahead, Miranda’s vision includes expanding Perform Ability and continuing to break down barriers. With the launch of Perform Ability Academy™️ courses, Miranda aims to empower educators globally to create a more inclusive performing arts industry.

Join Miranda Daisy and Perform Ability in their quest to provide an inclusive and high-level performing arts education for individuals worldwide. For those inspired to be part of this transformative movement, further details and opportunities to get involved are available at

 Published by: Nelly Chavez


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