Certified skin care specialist from Ukraine – Anastasiia Diachenko – does not need any advertising. Her original facial care approach is well known in Europe and is now recognized in America. Since 2019, Anastasiia Diachenko has lived and worked in New York City.
“Diachenko’s method” is, first of all, an individual approach. It is safe to say that a beautician has never used the same skincare solution twice.
Anastasiia Diachenko thoroughly studies each individual case and starts to work only when she has fully collected the history of the skin (anamnesis) of the person who is seeking help. All of the esthetician’s services are classified as “luxury.” The specialist achieves an excellent result thanks to a set of procedures that are selected individually for each client.
The only thing that unites all the cases is a system that can be described as “innovative home care.” In addition to skincare, Anastasiia Diachenko studied chemical technology, so she is well-versed in skin care products. Furthermore, she welcomes the scientific approach to solving the problem of acne.
“Nowadays, there are so many amazing opportunities for skin care! You don’t have to wait for 10 years before an important method will be discovered. You can experiment with any innovation. The main thing is to understand them, and, of course, I use all of them. The results of my clients speak for themselves,” Anastasiia Diachenko says.
Anastasiia Diachenko’s appearance is also beyond all praise. And it is certainly her best recommendation. By the way, she’s not making her methodology a secret. On the contrary, she is ready to share her experience with her colleagues, so she came up with writing a practical manual called “Unique skin care by Anastasiia Diachenko.”
In her book, Anastasiia Diachenko explains why complete and competent human skin anamnesis is so important and how to analyze it correctly so as not to make a mistake in the choice of the program, and she also gives practical recommendations on how to achieve the best results possible.
“Unique skin care by Anastasiia Diachenko” is not the only step of the Ukrainian specialist in the direction of American colleagues. Anastasiia Diachenko is the head of her own School of Aesthetic Education in New York, where she teaches a course based on her unique methods.
Experts in the beauty industry believe that in the United States, Anastasiia Diachenko has a good chance to achieve not only personal and professional success but also to help American beauticians to gain an excellent reputation, thanks to the usage of the “Diachenko method” in their practice. Well, let us wish her success and see what she’ll come up with.