Today’s biggest struggle businesses face is finding the right person for the job. This is particularly important in sales, where closing deals is almost an art form. Good enough just doesn’t cut it these days, but mediocrity in sales is what many businesses are stuck with.
If you’re choosing to prioritize finding talented salespeople, you’re already ahead of the curve. Research by McKinsey shows that companies focusing on human capital gain a competitive edge and see more consistent earnings and resilience in crisis. But how do you go about finding the right human capital for sales? We will tell you exactly that with the three key steps below.
#1 Create a Clear Definition of the Job
There are many reasons why businesses struggle to find good talent, but the most overlooked one is role definition. A great way to start is to aim for roles and responsibilities that are clear and accurate. Oftentimes, job descriptions are way too ambiguous, attracting the wrong people for the job.
You only need to look at your competitors’ job postings because they’re likely going through a similar problem. You’ll see overly broad phrases, a lack of specifics, and an overemphasis on soft skills. The fact is, recruiters often fall into a broken cycle where they believe looking for buzzword-fulfilling candidates is all that matters.
So, the “passionate, energetic team players” end up underperforming, and you’re wondering what went wrong. Some businesses realize recruitment is a high-talent skill and rely on professional sales recruiters to find the right people. This is more effective than coaching their internal HR departments to make the right choice.
According to a survey by Indeed, 52% of job seekers felt that the quality of job descriptions affects their interest in applying. Thus, our first tip is to cut the jargon and get super specific on role definition or outsource the responsibility to external recruiters.
#2 Don’t Lowball on the Compensation
Effective compensation strategies play an essential role in attracting candidates. Research highlights that inadequate total compensation is a key factor in employee resignations, ranking second to a lack of career development opportunities.
This means that even if you attract great talent, insufficient compensation could lead them to pursue opportunities elsewhere with better pay. Many companies are beginning to recognize that employee loyalty is no longer solely tied to gratitude for employment.
You will see a net negative by going through multiple hires compared to paying people competitive rates and keeping your talent. This becomes easier when you realize that talent is a business asset. The more you’re willing to invest in finding and keeping significant assets, the better your business does.
The World Economic Forum has also noted how more CEOs have acquiesced to calls for more competitive salaries. The data shows that 30% of employers intended to increase wages last year, while another 13% planned to offer bonuses and allowances.
While there are many other factors to account for, offering competitive pay is one solid way of ensuring you find and keep good sales talent.
#3 Go Where the Talent Is
One of the most practical ways to find good sales talent is to visit trade fairs and conferences. There are several reasons to look for potential candidates here. Firstly, you get to see a live demo of their skills. You can also gauge their communication skills instead of reading about them on their resume.
Many sales professionals aren’t looking for new opportunities, so posting a job opening often reaches only a limited pool of active job seekers. Attending conferences and trade fairs can help you connect with potential candidates who may consider joining your team.
Naturally, this implies that, in most cases, you aren’t going to recruit someone at one of these events instantly. So, aim for your business to have a regular presence for a network to reach out to when you need talent in the future.
To summarize, sales is an inherently competitive field. With the economy the way it is, most businesses and customers think twice about where they spend their money. As a result, finding the right talent is no longer just a bonus win. This is because you need them to meet the sales targets you’re after in the current market.
Published by Iris S.