Futurestay Empowers Rentalpreneurs with Innovative STR Software

Futurestay Empowers Rentalpreneurs with Innovative STR Software
Photo: Unsplash.com

The short-term rental market is one of the biggest growth segments of the past decade, going from alternative to mainstream post-COVID and shifting the face of both real estate investing and hospitality. Globally, the sector is worth $112 billion and is projected to exceed $300 billion by 2030. The majority of operators – about 99% – are everyday entrepreneurs, not professional property managers.

Futurestay empowers short-term rental (STR) owners to confidently run their rentals and reach their financial goals. The user-friendly platform transforms the complexity of running a successful STR into actionable steps that everyday “rentalpreneurs” can accomplish on their phone or desktop, in a single session. 

Futurestay discovered that rentalpreneurs are overlooked by incumbent software companies that cater to the professional and enterprise-level manager segment of the market.

Futurestay, a short-term rental management software provider, caters to rentalpreneurs overlooked by incumbent software companies that cater to the “professional and enterprise-level manager” segment of the markets. The company has been providing people who rent properties independently–rentalpreneurs–the ability to compete with professional property managers. Through a proprietary solution, users can control their rental calendar, manage bookings, and ensure they receive the most value possible. Futurestay’s mission is to level the playing field and empower rentalpreneurs looking to make money in the short-term rental industry.

The short-term rental market has grown exponentially in the past decade. The majority of operators – about 80% – are everyday people, not professional property managers. Despite their dominance in the space, online marketplaces (Airbnb, VRBO, Booking.com, etc.) that list rentals and many incumbent property management software providers do not serve or support rentalpreneurs with the tools needed to be successful. Instead, known solutions are designed for professional managers and enterprise-level clients who already have an unfair advantage over independent owners and operators. Philip Kennard, the Founder of Futurestay, was determined to level the playing field by creating a product tailored specifically for individuals seeking to break into the short-term rental market and those who were already in it and struggling to compete.

Futurestay has been innovating and operating for over ten years In that time the Company has helped over 100,000 property owners and managers thrive in the industry. Futurestay has won several awards for its innovative solutions and is a long-time partner with Airbnb, VRBO, Booking.com, and Google, having created the first connectivity solutions specifically for the independent segment. It also created awareness about the market’s need to be more inclusive for the hundreds of thousands of rentalpreneurs that make up that segment.

Recognizing that the rapidly evolving STR landscape and the unique and underserved needs of the rentalpreneur segment present a massive opportunity, Futurestay invested in rebuilding its technology and product, releasing the new platform in late 2023. Kennard refers to this current cycle of innovation as the “fourth generation” of STR software and firmly believes Futurestay is on the precipice of something significant.

The new platform provides Futurestay customers, whether a new entrant to the STR market or an existing Airbnb host seeking to reach their financial goals, with the three most critical elements for success as a rentalpreneur: a way to make more money, with less risk, on their own terms. 

New customers can be up and running in as little as six minutes with the company’s onboard process. Once activated, Futurestay keeps rentalpreneurs on track to financial success with a series of next steps that can each be completed in a single session, from their desktop or mobile device. 

By giving rentalpreneurs their own direct booking website, and connecting them with Google Vacation Rentals, Futurestay enables them to boost their profit margins with no fee bookings, instead of the 20%+ commissions that are common on listing sites. 

In addition to driving new sources of income, Futurestay also optimizes a host’s key existing sources of bookings, such as their Airbnb listing, and provides them with data-driven dynamic pricing to maximize their profit from channels they already have open.

Futurestay helps rentalpreneurs protect their investment from common pitfalls, with built-in guest fraud detection, double-booking protection with Airbnb and VRBO calendar sync, and automatic guest damage waivers. Step-by-step guidance and five-star rated support from real people take the guesswork out of growing STR income. 

As the short-term rental market is poised to expand, Futurestay will be championing novel solutions for an overlooked demographic. “Futurestay partners with rentalpreneurs on their journey to financial independence with short-term rentals,” says Philip Kennard. “Anyone can be a rentalpreneur with the right access to technology and guidance, and Futurestay is committed to making the impossible possible for millions of property owners.”

If you’re a rentalpreneur looking to make more profit or someone interested in getting started in short-term rentals, visit Futurestay and sign up for a free trial. 


Published by: Khy Talara


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