Drive Square Helps Improve Emergency Responder Skills with Cost-Effective Simulation Training

Drive Square Helps Improve Emergency Responder Skills with Cost-Effective Simulation Training

By: Maria Williams

In the realm of driver training and emergency response, Drive Square Inc. is a pioneering company that has revolutionized driver training with its cutting-edge product, EVO Light Driving Simulator. Founded by Konstantin Sizov, Drive Square initially focused on training novice drivers. However, as Mr. Sizov delved deeper into the field, he discovered a pressing need for training solutions that extended beyond the confines of traditional training centers.

The cornerstone of Drive Square’s success lies in its commitment to making simulation training accessible to every driver, thereby reducing accident-related costs and saving lives. At the heart of their offerings is the Drive Square Driving Simulation system, which allows trainees in an actual vehicle to experience real-world driving scenarios in the safety of a virtual environment.

EVO Light, one of Drive Square’s flagship products, is tailored specifically for law enforcement and other emergency vehicle operators, such as EMT and Fire. While traditional training programs like the Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (EVOC) are invaluable, they often lack the flexibility for frequent retraining. Recognizing this gap, Drive Square developed EVO Light to serve as a supplementary tool for annual hands-on retraining and preparation.

Konstantin Sizov explains, “EVO Light is not a replacement for EVOC, but it extends it by allowing emergency responders periodic hands-on refresher training. Our simulator allows for retraining in real traffic situations, such as negotiating crowded intersections and high-speed responses, enhancing the safety of emergency drivers.”

The versatility of Drive Square’s simulators extends beyond emergency responders to encompass a diverse range of professions and driving scenarios. From municipal utility vehicle drivers to delivery drivers, Drive Square caters to the unique needs of each clientele, emphasizing the importance of understanding driving profiles and addressing specific challenges.

Incorporating feedback from various stakeholders, Drive Square continually refines its simulations to reflect real-life scenarios accurately. For instance, police drivers often struggle to anticipate dangers at intersections while in response mode. To address this, Drive Square collaborates with universities and research institutions to develop driving scenarios tailored to the needs of emergency responders.

The portability and ease of use of Drive Square’s simulators further enhance their appeal. Unlike traditional training centers, which require drivers to travel for training, Drive Square brings the training to the drivers’ workplace. Whether it’s a police cruiser, ambulance, or fire truck, drivers can undergo training in a familiar vehicle, maximizing the effectiveness of the simulation.

With a variety of driving scenarios designed to recreate real-life situations, Drive Square empowers drivers to hone their skills and stay ahead of potential risks. Whether it’s negotiating crowded intersections or practicing high-speed pursuits, Drive Square’s simulations provide a safe and immersive training environment for drivers across various sectors.

John Bolling, a safety specialist from VA Corp, a Risk Pool from Roanoke, Virginia, shares, “We added Drive Square simulators to make our classes more realistic, with Hands-On training, which is probably the most requested in law enforcement. These officers can now make decisions in split seconds, including the use of force driving, domestic violence type calls, school shootings; and taking these officers through real-life simulations has really enabled them to be better responders, making better decisions under stress, and have been able to do that safely for themselves their peers, and the citizens that they serve.” 

Beyond its application in professional training, Drive Square’s simulators also serve a broader educational purpose. From demonstrating the dangers of drunk driving to educating teenagers about the perils of distracted driving, Drive Square’s simulators play a vital role in promoting road safety and responsible driving habits.

As Konstantin Sizov aptly summarizes, “Our mission is to empower drivers with the skills and awareness needed to navigate the roads safely, ultimately saving lives and reducing accidents.” With EVO Light leading the charge, Drive Square is poised to shape the future of driver training for generations to come.

Published by: Holy Minoza


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