David Howie on Making Homeownership a Reality by Providing the Most Competitive Rates

There are millions of people in the world whose ambition is to own a home. While homeownership may sound easy on paper, it can be quite daunting most of the time. From choosing a property to deciding which location to live in, owning a home entails certain decision-making detours and processes that individuals consider before making a move. However, the most difficult hurdle to overcome, and probably the most important, is the financial challenges that come with such a feat. People from around the world have to contend with the reality that homeownership comes with a hefty price. For this reason, David Howie, an esteemed name in the mortgage scene, steps in to make homeownership a possible reality to people from all walks of life.

Hailing from Serene South Lake Tahoe, California, David J. Howie, MSFA, is a licensed mortgage broker who has dedicated his career to transforming a Californian’s ultimate dream into reality. With two decades’ worth of experience, it comes as no surprise that the powerhouse belongs to the top percentile of mortgage brokers in the region. 

David Howie brings a certain finesse that only a few have managed to follow in his steps. After completing a Master of Science degree in Financial Analysis at the University of San Francisco, the self-starter has been making waves, guaranteeing the best rates that the industry has ever seen. As a result, his company has become one of the leading forces in the mortgage industry across the state of California.

“How do I guarantee the best rates?” says David Howie. “It’s simple. I’m an independent mortgage broker with access to wholesale rates, and I mark up my fees 50 bps to 100 bps less than everybody else does.”

Before David Howie secured a position at the summits of mortgage finance, he served as the chief financial officer of a prominent mortgage banker. Due to this significant experience, the power player became exposed to the ropes behind the world of finance, which helped him gain a foothold in a highly cutthroat industry. Using this competitive advantage, David then set out to become an unstoppable personality dedicated to helping others turn their vision into action. 

Today, David Howie runs iFinance Real Estate, a DBA of the company Aston Morley Real Estate Services. This tandem has helped thousands of clients find the best properties in the South Lake Tahoe area while providing them with the most competitive rates. As a multifaceted go-getter who is determined to assist others in transforming their homeownership dreams into reality, David serves as the go-to person for people’s mortgage needs.

In this day and age, homeownership has often been considered a luxury that only a few get to enjoy. However, for trailblazing individuals like David Howie, it can become a basic necessity that people may find easily accessible. As he continues to reach impressive heights thanks to his passion, precision, and dedication, the power player remains committed to his goal: to become a beacon of hope for dreamers and go-getters around the world.

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