Creator of Leo Foundation Alona Shevtsova: We Managed to Create a Truly Diverse Charity Hub Thanks to the Cooperation Between the Fintech Community Members

Social responsibility, support of the country, the army, and society have become an integral part of the daily business for the LEO group of companies working in the fintech sector. “The most important thing is [the fact] that charity should be efficient, targeted, unifying, and motivating, especially in times of war,” says the founder of the LEO business empire Alona Shevtsova. In the interview with UA.NEWS Alona Shevtsova talks about the process of Leo Foundation creation, its purpose, and its structure.

So, what were your first steps in the world of charity, and why you decided to create your foundation?

Alona Shevtsova, “LEO group of companies and I have been involved in charity projects since the first day of company foundation. [For example], in the early 2010s, we had to deal with the issues of World War II veterans who lived in Kyiv.

Initially, LEO consolidated its efforts by creating a small group of volunteers who would come to older people and help them with the essential things. Some needed help with the housework and others needed financial help, so we had to buy various foods and even the most basic goods for a living. At the same time, many just wanted to talk and communicate with other human beings. So we tried to devote maximum attention to each of them.

We also wanted to support children with special needs, and it was another area of our charitable activities. At some point, we realized that we could and wanted to help more people. Today, we have to deal with urgent issues of temporarily displaced persons, orphans, and low-income segments of the population. Already today, one of the most critical tasks for us is to help with the financing of educational institutions, as well as complex surgeries for children.

It turned out we had to work in many different areas simultaneously. So, to allocate resources more competently, we decided to create one foundation and reach a whole new level.

Interestingly, this format turned out to be more efficient because we can unite people around the most important things and provide essential assistance to those in need.

Informing society has become an essential and integral element of our work. Here is a simple example: Some people want to help but have no idea how to join and whom to address their questions. Therefore, we decided to create a like-minded community and continue developing it.

I consider our foundation a place where we were able to gather our experience of participating in charitable initiatives and strengthen it by using the entire world of new opportunities available to us. We are ready to work with both individuals and corporate members.

Keeping in mind the vast portfolio of charitable activities of Leo Foundation, everyone can find a project to help. If someone wants to support the development of education and medicine for citizens or the military or even support underprivileged children, we are glad to offer all types of cooperation. We are always open to all kinds of suggestions.”

What is LEO’s role in the charity foundation?

Alona Shevtsova, “LEO IPS has been working on the market for over ten years. During this period, we have found a lot of partners and customers who want to help.

The leading role of LEO is to attract its warm contacts to charity projects and create a small charity hub in the fintech community.

The Leo Foundation implements the company’s social initiatives in the real world. There are three principal areas of the foundation activity. First, it is education: Scholarship programs for children and technical means for universities. One of our initiatives is signing a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Institute of International Relations.

Secondly, it is medicine and healthcare, which include supporting medical institutions, assistance with special equipment, and payment for complex surgeries for people. For example, within our cooperation with the Dobrobut charity organization, we have funded 22 surgeries for children with heart defects.

Thirdly, which has the same importance, is humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons who have lost their homes due to Russian aggression. We have a lot of work in this area: From distributing hot lunches and necessities to providing people with clothes.”

What are the fundamental values of the foundation?

Alona Shevtsova, “The most important values are the desire to provide factual support and unite people around the problems of others. In this way, we can expand initiatives that are important to society. Leo Foundation wants to be as efficient and valuable as possible; therefore, we strive to be always available and solve all issues on time. We do our best to stay in touch 24/7 and solve the most prominent issues, regardless of who contacted us.

Leo Foundation is available for both military and civilians. During the last six months, our volunteers in Warsaw have already understood the key elements of military equipment: From the protection class of bulletproof vests to the technical characteristics of radios.

In addition, we closely cooperate with the Dobrobut clinic network: We finance surgeries for seriously ill patients without funds for treatment. Each case is considered separately, so we can help people in need.

Why is the surgery financing project so important to you?

Alona Shevtsova, “While working with the Dobrobut Foundation, we perform emergency surgeries for people injured due to combat activity. We process such fundraising requests promptly, even though it requires more effort and time. In addition, we have a truly long-lasting project called “In the rhythm of the heart.” Within this project, we fund pediatric cardiac surgery.

Pediatric cardiac surgery is an especially critical area of our foundation’s operation. Such surgeries are incredibly complex and shall be performed with minimal incisions on the body. In addition, they are not cheap, so we have to raise funds by attracting interested donors.

Thanks to such a unique program, children having heart defects get a chance for a full and happy life.”

How do you see your foundation in a few years?

Alona Shevtsova, “I see a large-scale project that has covered all regions of our country. Scaling is our priority. Leo Foundation will expand to cover all groups of people needing help. At the same time, we do not plan to terminate already open and available projects.

We also plan to cooperate with international foundations to exchange experience and resources. Therefore, we have a lot of ideas and initiatives, both in the short-term and long-term planning aspects.”

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