Christopher Harrison: Building Success from Humble Beginnings

Christopher Harrison: Success from Humble Beginnings
Photo Courtesy: Christopher Harrison /

By: Joshua Finley

Christopher Harrison’s story is rather inspiring in the booming real estate business, where high-profile cases seem to be told off and handed to those with connections. It exemplifies that hard work combined with good strategic planning is all one needs to succeed. Christopher is the CEO of Future RE Capital Management, and by following him, one learns about hard work, adaptation, and reinvention.

Early Morning Hustles and Entrepreneurial Beginnings

Christopher Harrison begins his day very early, often waking up before dawn. This discipline and unique approach to routine have accompanied him since his teenage years in Alexandria, Virginia, where he was born, and later moved to Baltimore, Maryland.

Unlike many of his fellow successful businessmen, Christopher could not be considered a university graduate. When asked about his personal life and education, he clears the air by saying that he never went to college or played football. However, he did not waste his time and directly entered the sphere of business activity and entrepreneurship due to the desire to become financially independent. He claims that all he wanted was to have his own money.

Finding Passion in Real Estate

Entry into real estate was an unanticipated career shift for Christopher. It started with a hauling company based in Baltimore, where he developed the company further by acquiring his trucks and assembling his crew. His turning point was when he found a mentor with many properties. “He used to give me a different house every week and I would clean them out,” he recalls. This mentor did not only offer him permanent engagements but also made him experience property investment.

Christopher had no money and had to rely on his innovative way of establishing a cooperation relationship. “My partner pretty much brought the equity piece to the table, but the guy that was kind of like mentoring me, introduced me to the lender,” he says. This enabled him to begin purchasing and selling properties and, thus, accumulate the necessary number of houses.

Christopher Harrison: Success from Humble Beginnings

Challenges and Resilience

Chris was one of the victims of the Market crash that occurred in the year 2008. “I lost everything. The equity partner pulled out. He pulled out of the deals and started keeping his money really tight. The lenders dried up, and I went down from 22 houses to two houses,” he recalls. He still succeeded in purchasing and operating a bar for a few years before re-investing in real estate in 2014.

This time, he entered real estate not with a ‘get-rich-quick’ mentality but with a more strategic approach. “I started gradually buying houses,” he says. Emulating the pitfalls that he saw others commit in the investment business, Christopher amassed a fund of investor equity so that he was ready to make his moves when the opportunities arose. “I would have a couple of million or however much somewhere holding for when I find deals,” he adds.

The Evolution of Future RE Capital Management

Future RE Capital Management emerged from Christopher’s intention to professionalize his activities and develop a viable business model. It was in 2019 that he was sure of the vision and the structures he had to put in place. Although the fund’s growth encountered difficulties initially, he struggled long enough to gather more than two million dollars. “This new fund is a lot more… it’s the grown-up version of me now,” he speaks with the accomplishment in his tone.

Christopher’s goal is ambitious because he wants to reach one thousand doors. But he carefully remembers the problems as well. “The hardest part of real estate is having available cash for deals,” he observes. His solution was to construct a fund where he could hasten on relevant opportunities. This strategy proved rewarding, especially when economic turn offs were experienced. “This is a terrible thing to say, but the downside is when you can find the finest deals because everyone’s foreclosing and you can just grab everything,” he explains, adding that it’s like picking fruit.

Christopher Harrison: Success from Humble Beginnings

Strategic Advice for Aspiring Investors

Christopher has useful information for those interested in acquiring their first real estate property. “When people say you don’t need any money to get into real estate, I think that’s not entirely true,” he cautions. Using other people’s money is usual, but having some of your own is important. He focuses on research and also starts with a plan in mind. “Know the terms before you go”. That is, one needs to be aware of specific details of the selected market.

Christopher also cautions against the so-called get-rich-quick schemes. “Don’t fall for the gimmicks,” he counsels aspiring real estate investors to avoid fads and instead embrace reality and hard work.


Today, Christopher Harrison is a well-to-do real estate entrepreneur whose business interests are expanding further. His success clearly indicates that in today’s world, one only requires determination and extraordinary thinking to succeed despite the odds. His story of Future RE Capital Management still inspires any business-minded individual aspiring to establish and grow a firm in the real estate business.

To connect with Christopher Harrison and learn more about his ventures, visit his LinkedIn profile or his website.


Published By: Aize Perez


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