Alethia Tucker Uses Her Platform and Personal Experiences to Help Women Over 45

Alethia Tucker is an author, career coach, entrepreneur, and Human Resources Director with an elaborate background in strategic HR planning. Among the many things she is good at, her desire to help others makes her stand out the most. With a remarkable passion for working with women and young adults, she became the visionary behind Jolease Enterprises, a company intended to equip and empower women to reach their full potential in the areas of personal and career growth, as well as their spiritual and mental cognizance, to foster self-confidence and enhance their creative skills that will improve their quality of life.

Alethia finds herself working with women 45 and up, where their desire to reinvent or transform themselves to live life to the fullest is at its peak. However, each woman’s struggle is never really the same, with some adjusting to having an empty nest, or maneuvering life after retirement, or finally aiming for that career that they always wanted.

Alethia launched Jolease Enterprises to bring women from all walks of life together to share their wisdom and find the necessary tools to support their growth and wellness. 

“I believe with all my heart, our struggles as women can become so much easier when we realize we are not alone,” Alethia shared.

Through Jolease, Alethia has been able to do many remarkable things, including establishing a program that allows intimate meetings with other inspirational women that she calls Journey Shares. Through this program, women are offered a place to sit for a while, share their narratives, inspire others, and be inspired themselves.

Besides her flourishing brand, Alethia is also a successful author of four books, three of which became Amazon’s #1 Best Sellers. One of her books, “50 Things I’ve Learned on My Way to 50,” gives readers a sneak-peek into Aletha’s life, as well as impart the valuable life lessons that she was able to learn before hitting midlife. Using her story, she hopes to make her readers reflect and laugh and help them see the value and joy in life’s journey despite aging. 

Alethia also has a podcast called “Leveling Up the Podcast with Alethia Tucker” that airs twice a month. She shares several resources, conversations, encouragement, and training for those ready to take the bull by its horns and pursue a life that makes them truly happy. In addition, this successful woman also has a new show coming out, Reinvent and Rise, which puts its focus on women over 45, their health, finances, faith, careers, and lifestyles.

On the brink of turning 50, Alethia began to question her existence and accomplishments, going as far as asking herself if this was all there is to life. The nagging questions that she faced motivated her to start Jolease, knowing that it wasn’t just her burdened with the existential crisis. 

“As I approached 50, I began planning a party. So naturally, I wanted a cute take-home gift for my guests. So I jotted down 50 lessons I learned over the years and printed and laminated them on bookmarks. To my surprise, they were a hit! The bookmarks were the subject of numerous conversations on the night of my celebration, and in the coming days, many friends told me how inspiring they had been. Those bookmarks were the catalyst to writing my first book, 50 Things That I’ve Learned on My Way to 50, and the beginning of a life-changing shift,” she fondly recalled.

In the coming years, Alethia hopes to expand Jolease Enterprises and help more women going through the same things she was. She also wishes to broaden her coaching capabilities and develop more programs to aid women above 45 to foster their personal development and career.

Check out her website to learn more about Alethia, her advocacy, and Jolease Enterprises.

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