In May 2004, Oscar Flores was a man juggling an array of responsibilities. He was a pastor leading a congregation of 300 people, the owner of a transportation company with 80 trucks, and an owner of a radio station. However, one day while driving from Northridge, CA to Long Beach, CA, Flores experienced a life-altering vision that would eventually steer him on a path of sacrifice, obedience, and divine intervention.
Facing a tumultuous phase in his personal life, Oscar’s family was falling apart. “Things were getting bad,” said Oscar, “then I got a divorce.” Little did he know, amidst these trials and tribulations, Oscar was about to receive a calling that would change everything. “God spoke to me, and said You are my son, and I will give you three companies that will control land, sea, and air,” Oscar continued, “and a fourth one which will be my ministry and will be named the Ministry Property of Jesus Christ and the three companies controlling land, sea, and air will provide the finances of Ministry of property of Jesus Christ.”
Three years went by before Oscar had another calling from God. “I had another vision May 2007 God spoke to me and said that it is time for me to bless you. Close the company, Close the church, Close the radio station, and go home.”
Three months later, Friday, June 29, 2007, Oscar Flores closed everything and went home. His family, friends, colleagues, and everyone around him thought that he was crazy. Little did they understand at the time, the power of sacrifice, and obedience towards God. As months went by, his credit and finances were decreasing and God gave Deuteronomy 28:1-14 to him letting him know that when he was done with him, this bible verse would be his credit.

Twelve years later in May of 2019, God spoke to him again saying, “You are my son. The time is here for everything that I have promised you.” Oscar woke up to his wife staring at him and said, “Was snoring and she said no, I told her I had a dream and she said before you tell me the dream, let me tell you why I was staring at you.” She explained why she was staring and said she heard a voice telling her that I was his son and that the time for everything he had promised me was here but that her mission along my side was done. She was frantic thinking that she was going to die. One month later, June 29, 2019, I celebrated 12 years of obedience to God, and he told me that the verse he gave me back in 2007 was now going to be real in my life.
August 3rd, 2019, Oscar’s ex-wife Elena left his side. Through all this pain and emotional suffering, he was going through, God told him two days later after his wife left on Monday August 5th, 2019, to incorporate the first of the three companies he had promised him. Oscar looked towards the Bible to find direction for the new company name but wanted something that represented 12 years of obedience and found Plentitude meaning abundance.
January 1, 2020, Plentitude Transportation, Inc. was born. “I had no money, no help, and zero trucks. All I had was the word that God gave in 2007 which was Deuteronomy 28:1-14.” With Oscar’s reputation in the transportation industry, he was able to call upon former customers and earn their business, even though his assets weren’t fully in place yet. “I was blessed because we did not borrow any money from anyone, in fact just like it says in Deuteronomy, we’ll loan money to many nations and that’s happening now.” The first year of operations in 2020, Plentitude Transportation, Inc. did five million in business. The following years, the company made ten million and then fifteen million the next year. By the third year, five million dollars was reinvested back into the company acquiring: 30 trucks, 80 chassis, 10 flatbeds, 1 lowboy, and one forklift. Two million dollars was loaned out to help others. It wasn’t long after that – that people started noticing that Plentitude Transportation, Inc didn’t only mean business, it also symbolizes hope.
During the pandemic, many companies in the United States were forced to close its doors. Arguably, it was the transportation industry that helped our country survive by providing food to grocery stores and holding a bleeding nation together. Plentitude Transportation Inc. was created in one of the most difficult times in World History- and not only did it contribute aid throughout the pandemic, Oscar Flores, hosted many charity events internationally, providing food and clothing to the underprivileged.
January 2022 Oscar was planning an event in Oaxaca Mexico and God spoke to him letting him know that the 4th event would be held in Tel-Aviv Israel and that he would enter Israel the 22nd of March and the event would be on March 25 and 26th. The first week of February, Oscar began planning the event in Israel, During this time, Oscar was on the phone with pastor Moriah who was currently living in Israel and pastor Francisco who was by his side and they found out that Israel was shut down due to the pandemic and they were not allowing anybody to enter and that they were going to open until May 15th 2022 or the last weeks of April, because of this, we stopped the planning of the event. During this time, God spoke to me and asked me to look for the passport I used when I flew to Israel for the first time back in 2006 and to look for the exact date, I entered Israel in that year and I entered March 22nd, 2006, and that I would be entering Israel in 2022 that same date, March 22nd of 2022. I told everyone that if God said we would be entering March 22, 2022, to not worry because God will give an order to the prime minister of Israel so that he can open and allow entry before the 22nd of March, and we will enter the way God said it. Time passed and it was February 20, 2022, but February 21, 2022, in Israel’s time and God spoke to me telling me that he had already given an order to the prime minister of Israel to open on March 1st, 2022, and to confirm by checking on the internet, I did this and sure enough Israel would be opening on March 1st, 2022. Everything went as God had said because we entered March 22, 2022, to Israel and we held a 2-day charity event on the 25th and 26th of March where we provided haircuts for the homeless, fed them, and provided shoes and clothing and most importantly preached the gospel.
APA (7th edition): CNN Travel. (2023, March 1). Israel opens borders to unvaccinated tourists.
Friday night while on this trip, I asked God to speak to me and tell me what he wanted me to preach on the last day of the event and God gave me a word at 3am telling me “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” which is the same word he gave to Abraham in Genesis 12 when he told him to leave Ur of the Chaldees. I woke up and, in that moment, God told me to look for the inauguration of the Salvadoran president in 2019. At this inauguration, president Bukele asks Dante to come pray for him and on Dante’s way to El Salvador, God spoke to Dante and told him to read Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 to El Salvador. This word became a reality for El Salvador on June 1st, 2019 (day of inauguration) and that same word was given to me back in 2007 which became reality in my life on June 29, 2019. God told me that because of my obedience, he would bless me as he had promised me and because of my obedience, he would bless the nation of El Salvador.
One year later, March 20, 2023, God spoke to me to go to Israel and enter through the triumphal gates four times. It was very difficult for me because I wasn’t sure if it was my heart, or it was God and that same day I had a meeting with my company lawyers and I hadn’t told anybody what God had told me. At the end of the meeting, Robert, one of the lawyers said “we will ask the judge for an extension on the case because it’s coming up too soon and we’ll tell the judge that you are on a trip to Israel” this came as a huge shock to me because nobody knew that, that same morning God had told me to enter the triumphal gates four times on March 22nd (same date I had entered in 2006 & 2022). After hearing Robert make this comment, I found that as a confirmation from God and flew to Israel on March 21st, 2023, and arrived in Israel on March 22nd and was able to enter the triumphal gates 4 times as God had said.
I flew back to Huntington Beach and on May 20th, 2023, God spoke to me and gave me a spiritual blessing. Till this day I knew that June 29, 2023 would be 4 years since God told me in May of 2019 that I was his son and he would give me everything he promised me but on Monday June 19th, 2023, I was having dinner with a group of friends and was informed that a new coin would be launched on June 29, 2023 and that the Muslims were going to be celebrating one of the most holy festivals to them which is Eid al-Adha which begins Wednesday 6/28 at sunset and finishes 7/1 a four day celebration. Muslims celebrate this to commemorate Abraham’s obedience and sacrifice when he was asked to take Ismael and offer him to God. In these 16 years since God first spoke to me, I never knew of this until June of this year. Today, I have learned of this celebration and why Muslims consider it such a holy festival, because of Abraham’s obedience and sacrifice which is exactly what I did back in 2007 on the same exact date. Today it has been 4 years since God said, “the time is here” after waiting patiently for 12 years and I can now say God does everything in perfection and as John 13:7 says, “What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt understand hereafter.” Everything God has promised, he has completed, this is why Plentitude Transportation Inc. based in Los Angeles, CA and its employees are blessed by the God almighty as each and every employee are part of this huge promise and as Hebrew 12 states, “that ye be not slothful, but followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”
Today is June 29, 2023, known by millions around the world as, “‘Eid al-Adha’ marks one of the most important days of the year: the day that commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s devotion and obedience to Allah and marks the completion of the annual Holy Pilgrimage of Haji. According to the Holy Quran, the Prophet Ibrahim was commanded by Allah, in the form of an angel, to sacrifice his first-born son, Ismail. Ibrahim was ready to do so, even fighting off Iblis (Satan) when Iblis tried to convince him not to obey. Allah acknowledged Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice that which was most dear to him and sent the Angel Gabriel to stay his hand, providing an animal to be sacrificed in Ishmael’s place. A similar story is told in the Jewish Torah and the Christian Old Testament, although in that version Abraham is told by God to sacrifice his younger son, Issac,”
APA (7th edition): USA Today. (2023, June 25). Understanding Eid Al-Adha: The Muslim holiday of feast and festival of sacrifice.
CEO, Oscar Flores’s incredible journey has been touching many hearts and minds around him. All the people that thought he was crazy for sacrificing his company, closing all doors, and going home, not even knowing where the next meal would come from or how he would pay his rent. The 12 years of obedience and sacrifice could not be told on a much better day than today. The synchronicity between Oscar’s journey of sacrifice and obedience and this significant holiday is a testament to the mysterious ways through which faith binds humanity across cultures and religions.
“Plentitude Transportation, Inc. is after all God’s company”, said Oscar Flores.