The Experts’ Advice Corner

The Experts’ Advice Corner
Photo Credit: Kelly McDonald

The Experts’ Advice is a column dedicated to exploring the wisdom of leading authors in the field of leadership. Each week, the column engages with thought leaders, delving into their published works and personal insights to understand the essence of effective leadership. The focus of these conversations spans a wide range of topics, from innovative leadership strategies to the psychology of management, and from stories of how each leader started in business to the art of inspiring teams.

By interviewing these experts, the column aims to uncover the secrets behind their influential theories and practices, providing readers with actionable advice and inspiration. This column isn’t just about theoretical knowledge; it’s a treasure trove of real-world wisdom and experiences, offering guidance to aspiring and established leaders alike. 

Kelly McDonald is a business owner, author, and speaker. Kelly is the founder of McDonald Marketing, a firm that has been twice named as one of the “Top Ad Agencies in the U.S.” for Advertising Age magazine. Additionally, McDonald Marketing has been ranked as among the fastest-growing independently owned companies in the U.S. by Inc. magazine. Kelly McDonald criss-crosses the country, engaging with leaders from various industries, offering insights on how they and their employees can effectively work with people “not like us.”

Kelly, what is some of the best advice you’ve gotten or given when going into business for yourself?

Kelly McDonald: First and foremost:  Say YES to everything.  Don’t close yourself off from opportunities, even the ones that scare you the most.  For example, when Wiley Publishing called and asked me if I wanted to write a book, not only was I super busy and had no idea how I would manage that, but I really didn’t want to.  At first. 

But that book, which became a bestseller, changed the trajectory of my career.  I subsequently wrote three more books, each a bestseller, and became established as a leading authority on key business and topics, especially DEI.   None of it would have happened if I hadn’t said “yes”.

That is an incredible story. What other helpful advice did you receive?  

Kelly McDonald: The next piece of important advice is this: As you build your business, make sure you have AT LEAST 90 days of expenses covered when you start generating revenue.  There will be blockbuster months and lean months and the world is unpredictable, so build that operating expenses account to cover you during leaner times.  When COVID hit, and all conferences were cancelled for 18 months, virtual keynotes paid much less than a live keynote.  I was sure glad I had lots of operating expenses to cover me.

How else did it help you?   

Kelly McDonald: Without the stress of worrying about finances, and having a solid financial cushion, it gave me the flexibility to explore growth opportunities that may require upfront investment. This could include marketing initiatives, new product development, or hiring essential staff, which might not be possible if every penny is allocated to immediate expenses.

When you first started out, what did you wish you knew?

Kelly McDonald: I wish I knew more people locally.  Because I am a professional speaker, I travel constantly – flying is my commute to work.  In any given month, I am gone at least 50% of the time.  It leaves little opportunity to join organizations, meet new people, network and be part of something local.  I have friends, of course, but I wish I knew more business people locally with whom I could socialize and network with.

What’s the one thing you forgot?

Kelly McDonald: I forgot that my skill set doesn’t include operations. I am good at what I do, but as my business grew, I was like the frog in the boiling pot: I didn’t realize how busy I was and that I worked all the time until I was completely overwhelmed. Bookkeeping, creating contracts, managing the cash flow and more are not my skill set at all.  It was vital to have an operations person who did all that join me in my third year of business.

Kelly, you mention writing books for Wiley on the subject of “working with people not like you.” What do you mean by this?

Kelly McDonald: I think we can all agree that workplaces have changed. Not only are people on teams hailing from different countries, backgrounds, languages, mores, etc., but beyond that, even people in our own backgrounds are very diverse. We all have different parents, different values, and different beliefs that go way beyond religion, gender, politics, etc., including such things as morning people vs. night owls, introverts vs. extroverts, analytical thinkers vs. creative thinkers, tech-savvy vs. tech-phobic and the list goes on and on. 

What they all have in common is the need to figure out how to get along. For a successful business in this day and age, it is essential. Basically, my message is a step-by-step how to, in order to do that. My book How to Work With and Lead People Not Like You offers practical solutions for today’s diverse workplace. 

Do you have any tips you can share with us today?

Kelly McDonald: Yes, I do. In fact, here are 3 tips you can integrate right away:

Tip #1: Find common ground. Usually we scan others for differences. Looking for what we have in common provides room for creating a shared bond, such as a favorite sports team, favorite foods, movies, books or hobbies. You’re looking for something that connects you.

Tip #2: Agree to disagree. This is a tricky one because this is actually bad advice. When you disagree with someone, simply say, “I see things differently.” These simple four words invite a constructive conversation about how you see things, which is much better than arguing.

Tip #3: Take the emotion out of it. We often think we should like the people we work with, but sometimes you just don’t. That’s OK. You can still work with someone and get a lot done, even if you don’t like them.

Thank you, Kelly, for sharing your words of wisdom with us.

About Kelly McDonald

Kelly McDonald is an acclaimed speaker who specializes in consumer trends and changing demographics. She is the president of McDonald Marketing and has authored four bestselling books on the customer experience, leadership, and marketing — all from the standpoint of working with people “not like you.” Her book, How to Work With and Lead People Not Like You has been on two bestseller lists. You can learn more about the book and McDonald’s work by visiting www.kellycmcdonald.

The Experts’ Advice Corner
Photo Credit: Kelly McDonald

Published by: Martin De Juan


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