Zenith Dental IT is investing in its future with new hires

With the rapidly changing technology and the way it has become a crucial part of daily operations, multiple industries worldwide are utilizing the expertise of information technology experts to future-proof their business.

Zenith Dental IT is at the forefront of digital enhancements for the dental industry
Information technology firm Zenith Dental IT is changing the digital landscape for dentists across the United States by providing top-notch IT services and seamless customer support. According to Co-founder and CEO Pedro Becker, top-tier dental IT support is needed to be a successful dental practitioner in the 21st century.

“Dentistry is a profession that requires intimate knowledge of the business’ inner workings. Any old IT service provider simply won’t do in this industry, which is why Zenith Dental IT exists. Specialization matters,” he expounds.

Dental practitioners need outsourced Dental ITs
Information technology and dentistry are two very different professions requiring different sets of extensive knowledge. Zenith Dental IT hires experts adept with the experiences of both fields and equipped with the necessary skills to implement the right solutions, including renowned dental software like Dentrix and Eaglesoft, among other things. These experts can also actively recommend detailed scopes of work based on client requirements.

Pedro Becker urges dental practitioners to stop wasting valuable time and resources handling tedious IT issues in-house. Instead, they should outsource a full-service remote dental IT support provider like Zenith Dental IT. Pedro Becker assures, “We will take the headache out of information technology so that you can keep your focus where it should be — on your patients.”

Investing in the future with new hires succeeding in the dental IT field
Zenith Dental IT provides the necessary services for startups and well-established dental clinics throughout the United States and as such, the dental IT company continues to look into dental IT rockstars and innovative digital solutions to make the dental industry more 21st-century-compliant. Currently, the company offers six primary services, with dental IT experts covering each: remote IT support, cloud backup and disaster recovery, hosted email encryption, anti-virus, HIPAA compliance, remote access, and hosted virtual server. 

About Zenith Dental IT
Zenith Dental IT is the most trusted IT company in the US dental industry, with over 15 years of industry experience in the niche field. The team is composed of highly experienced engineers who have an immense understanding of dental technology and deliver cutting-edge solutions to dental practitioners all over the country.


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