Unlocking the Power of Interior Design: The Psychological Impact of Irina Nikolaeva’s Unique Method

Irina Nikolaeva
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When entering a new space, do you first notice if it’s tastefully furnished, right? Do you notice how the furniture is arranged, the choice of hardware, and the harmony of decor with the walls when entering a new space? But do you ever think about how useful this space is for those who are in it?

And yet, through interior design, many psychological problems of a person can be solved. Irina Nikolaeva is a Master of Design from Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, founder of the Design World design studio, author of a unique method for psychological impact on design, academic expert in the field of design, author and lecturer, professional speaker at numerous international conferences delivering presentations on topics within this field, member of international professional associations, Irina Nikolaeva. Her interiors have a healing effect on people. By applying her own author’s method, which combines artistic experience and scientific work, Irina Nikolaeva designs spaces where you feel happiness: anxiety and apathy recede into the background, and you want to dream and love again.

Why is Irina Nikolaeva’s author’s method special?

The unique solutions offered by Irina Nikolaeva for residential and public spaces have a scientific basis. And it’s no coincidence – the designer has been seriously involved in science for many years, writing a dissertation and is on the verge of receiving a doctorate in art history.

Thanks to her analytical mindset and strong foundational knowledge, Irina Nikolaeva has developed an author’s approach to interior design, the quintessence of which is human psychology. It is precisely this aspect that she considers fundamental to the success of any of her projects.

“Understanding the emotional characteristics of people, I create psychologically correct interiors that balance the emotional background. It has been scientifically proven that even the relationships between people who are constantly in the same space depend on the interior. Improperly arranged furniture, aggressive colors, terrible lighting affect not only the psycho-emotional state but also the physical health of people,” Irina Nikolaeva is convinced.

In her opinion, the proper arrangement of a space in which a person spends a long time undoubtedly reflects his individuality in a favorable way, but most importantly, it reliably protects him from stress.

“In a state of stress, a person wants to hide from everyone. And in 90% of cases, he will do this in his own home. If the interior of his sanctuary is psychologically correct, he will quickly return to normal and be ready to face the challenges that the world throws at him,” says Irina Nikolaeva.

When designing interiors for public places – clinics, restaurants, theaters – Irina Nikolaeva adheres to the view that when visiting a public place, a person subconsciously wants to feel their importance.

“For me, each design of public spaces is like a challenge to myself. These are emotionally complex projects because you have to consider all aspects and predict in advance what scenario this interior will have. In other words, you’re like a director, you know what the outcome will be, but if something doesn’t go as planned, you know how to professionally adapt the scenario and achieve a happy ending,” says Irina Nikolaeva.

What is Irina Nikolaeva’s own psychology?

The designer was born and raised in a city with a thousand-year cultural history and the residents’ careful attitude toward such heritage. Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, was founded in 1005 and is mentioned in all sources starting from the first chronicles dating back to 1391. Imagine, even before the appearance of the first archives on Earth, this city already had significance.

The architectural heritage that Kazan rightfully takes pride in has more than a thousand years of history. In such a magical space, Irina’s attitude towards architecture was formed, a unique vision of design emerged, and an observation of the characters of people living in an environment of incredible innovation and antiquity developed.

Again, not coincidentally, Irina Nikolaeva’s scientific dissertation, on which she works as a graduate student at Kazan State University of Architecture and Construction, is devoted to the issues of ergonomic space organization in the modern city. After all, to preserve the buildings and interiors built in the era of empires long erased from the face of the Earth and to integrate them correctly into the turbulent present with its architectural trends, an extraordinary approach is required.

At the same time, not only external factors have had a strong influence on Irina. The internal sense of color and style that she constantly develops to a large extent turns the designer’s interiors into masterpieces of artistic craftsmanship. Palette, decor, furniture, texture – Irina Nikolaeva carefully selects all of these for each project. And this is undeniable evidence of the designer’s high level of professionalism. Regular participation in specialized exhibitions, speaking at conferences, and publications in scientific journals speak to Irina Nikolaeva’s passionate love for her profession. And judging by the enthusiastic reviews of grateful clients and her luxurious portfolio, her profession reciprocates in full!


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