Nadia Musharbash’s Unexpected Journey from Business Banking to Real Estate

For many people, the most unexpected ventures are the ones that lead to fulfillment. What usually starts as a side hustle becomes a lifetime commitment that provides them with financial security and personal success. For Nadia Musharbash, becoming a real estate broker came as a surprise.

Nadia’s journey into real estate started at 21. At the time, she was working a nine-to-five job while acting as a landlord, flipping houses on the home design and staging side. While her day job provided for her, Nadia soon found that her side hustle was earning more. Eventually, she delved into the business, leaving her former career to help people become homeowners, amassing more than 18 years in real estate investing. 

“It’s so satisfying when my clients are happy not only working with me but buying or selling their home that is a sound and secure investment for their future,” she shared, “I had a client tell me the property they purchased two years ago has built up to $200k plus equity and provided a financial security they wouldn’t even dream of.”

Aware of the real estate industry’s competitive nature, Nadia set out to rebrand her services to help herself stand out. Although her head was swimming with ideas, her creative process translated better after getting help from Coffee Shop Creative’s Stephen Bell. After explaining what she wanted to project, he helped Nadia breathe life into her vision. Additionally, she took inspiration from realtor shows like Property Brothers, Love It or List It, and Million Dollar Listing.

Nadia Musharbash encountered many highs and lows throughout her professional career, learning many things and picking up experience and knowledge. She realized that while her direct and honest approach can deliver results, not every client is the best fit for her practice. Since then, Nadia has managed to be selective, choosing which client to work with so she can genuinely help them.

Among the many trials and tribulations that Nadia has had to overcome was the feeling of eventual burnout. Although burnout was nothing new, the real estate expert encountered her greatest challenge with the onset of the global pandemic. “The [COVID] pandemic really affected personal relationships and a busy social life I was accustomed to,” Nadia revealed, “It was hard for me to be isolated from my family and friends.” 

Throughout the early months of the crisis, Nadia’s first thought was always to pray. She would also make a list, writing down the things she was grateful for in life, such as her health and her family and friends’ continuous support. “Go deeper than the shallow and superficial objects that have no personal fulfillment,” she advised, “You’d be surprised how fast your life will change once you change your perspective.”

While her transition from banking to real estate is inspiring, Nadia often advises people to really think about the prospect of turning their passion into profits. She tells people to take their time in planning. “It has to be more than just a superficial dream of being rich.” Despite the success that she accumulated, Nadia shared that she has to remind herself every day. “It takes time, dedication, and being okay to fail a couple of times until you get it right.”

Learn more about Nadia Musharbash by visiting her official website. You can also connect with her through Instagram and LinkedIn.

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