Meet Sarita Pittman, the Lady Wealth Builder and Founder of Atiras International Coaching Academy

Sarita Pittman has a strong background in coaching and education, having earned and educated professional coaches and thought leaders all over the world as the Lady Wealth Builder and founder of Atiras International Coaching Academy.

Sarita sharpened her business acumen as a young entrepreneur at only age 18 to break beyond society’s boundaries. She’s made it her perpetual aim to discover the genius energy inside human beings from all walks of life, background, and circumstance. The affinity she has for doing this is what she calls her ‘unicorn horn’.

At each level, Sarita is a coach for winners who helps leaders and executives achieve their full potential. She’s a pioneer who opens up new frontiers and a dedicated changemaker who will always exert her influence to help others start the fire inside themselves on their path of personal growth and development.

Through determination and adversity, Sarita was formed into a woman capable of handling the road to success with grace and perseverance. Every challenge has moulded her into a person who’s equipped to handle on-the-job demands as a multi-skilled entrepreneur.

Sarita’s achievements range from being an executive business coach and a personal development coach to being a curriculum creator and professional enthusiast. She’s even making a strong headway in the health and beauty industry.

Sarita Pittman is big on personal growth and education. She’s empowered herself and others through her academic achievements.  She is a Certified Trichologist, Board-Certified Master Coach, Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, and will soon earn a PhD in Natural Medicine and Nutritional Sciences.

She studied at Cornell University, which is regarded as one of the most competitive universities in the world. Her academic strengths only serve to make her an even better businesswoman and professional coach.

Sarita taught herself from an early age the importance of empowering herself and asserting her value. Her goal in every area of life and employment is to guarantee that others recognize their own power and never lose sight of their due credit, just like her.

Sarita is a firm believer in classic strategies for reaching out to the public. She returns to her community first, then the globe through genuine engagement, because she believes that it’s more important to listen to people than it is to be popular. She wants to reach out to individuals and help them give themselves the permission to live life their way, on their terms. 

In her professional and business life, Sarita pushes back against the conventional ideas of success in order to encourage her clients to profit from their divine purpose, express themselves effectively, and realize that they don’t need to make personal compromises to succeed in life.

She is a faith-first thought leader who, as a coach, transcends her area of expertise to awaken that God-given genius within women so that they may achieve guilt-free success through her program Beyond the Pew. To get to know Sarita Pittman well is to become acquainted with a strong woman who embraces God’s direction and advocates for her clients to live according to their true identity.

She understands the importance of being authentic and genuine, and she has no problems with breaking away from tradition. She is a tenacious, loyal, and trustworthy guide in finding opportunities for greatness, regardless of where you start. Sarita isn’t afraid to be her true self, and she’s not scared of making mistakes. Her honesty and sincerity make her stand out in the world of achievers and thought leaders.

Learn more about programs offered by Sarita Pittman on her official website.

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