John Butler’s Inspiring Journey From Rookie of the Year to Fierce Free-Market Advocate for Business Healthcare

John Butler: From Rookie of the Year to Fierce Free-Market Advocate
Photo Courtesy: John Butler

Success means different things for different people. For some, it is making lots of money and enriching themselves. For others, it is to impact society, leaving it better than they found it. John Butler, founder of JB Benefits & Consulting, says that spending a significant amount of time in entrepreneurship made him realize that one cannot only live for financial success but has to have a purpose.

When he ventured into business, he didn’t know the journey would lead him to become an advocate for the well-being of others. Yet today, he is a fierce champion for a better business healthcare system that serves the interests of employers and employees.

He sold two businesses that were doing well to focus on his mission of advocating for free-market solutions in a healthcare industry that does not favor employers.

Businesses have to grapple with rising costs and diminishing benefits. Besides, rules and regulations levied by the government and insurers leave employers with less freedom to make any lasting changes.

But John is at the forefront, empowering employers to receive the kind of healthcare solutions they deserve for both themselves and their employees.

John Butler’s Background

John’s journey began in Bloomington, Minnesota, which, at the time, was still a small town. As a young boy, he started earning money selling popcorn at the Met stadium during Twins and Vikings games.

After college, he kept himself busy doing odd jobs before finally finding his footing in the world of finances and securities. Mass Mutual Companies gave him a full-time job opportunity in 1988, and he quickly made a name for himself.

His tenure there saw him achieve the coveted title of Rookie of the Year and win a trip to Hawaii. This was a huge boost to his morale and proof of his talent and dedication to his work.

For the next 13 years, he worked as a financial advisor for Mass Mutual Companies until 1996, when he decided to start his own firm, JB Benefits & Consulting. This included managing employee benefits for various companies, and of course, this also included business healthcare.

However, it was not long before John began to notice the flaws in the healthcare insurance system. The industry was rife with rising costs, opaque pricing policies, and limited options for businesses and employees.

John embarked on a 14-year research and fact-finding mission to know what was bedeviling the industry. For him, it was not just about building a successful business but affecting real change and impacting society.

His findings were that the business healthcare system was not designed to benefit employers and employees. Rather, it mostly benefited the insurance providers and the pharmacy companies, among other players.

Giving Control Back to the Employer

John Butler’s vision is to revolutionize an industry that is unwilling to reform. His passion for free-market principles and a commitment to empowering employers led him to challenge the status quo and advocate for policies prioritizing choice, competition, and consumer empowerment.

In 2021, he published his book, Health Insurance Sucks. The book tackles the topic of healthcare insurance and uncovers the secrets of maneuvering the industry to your advantage. It gives practical solutions employers can implement to get the best deals and save on costs.

In the following years, 2022 and 2023, John sold his employee benefits and securities businesses to become a completely independent business healthcare consultant.

Armed with a deep understanding of the complexities of healthcare insurance, he set out to provide businesses with simple and practical solutions that businesses can use right away to turn the sinking ship of healthcare around quickly and easily.

Today, John Butler continues his calls for a more transparent, competitive, and affordable healthcare system. Additionally, he is providing educational initiatives that equip employers to make informed decisions. The goal is to empower them to take control of their healthcare costs and benefits.


Published By: Aize Perez

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