B. Jacqueline Jeter, Another Dynamic Speaker Joins the Lineup for Shawn Fair’s Leadership Experience Tour

Shawn Fair’s Leadership Experience Tour has been all about impacting lives positively and creating a platform for public speakers to showcase themselves, inspire others, and transform people’s lives. In a search that is usually meticulous and intensive, Shawn Fair has announced a new addition to the speaker lineup, and that is mastermind expert B. Jacqueline Jeter, who develops people’s skills personally and professionally. 

Shawn’s reputation as one of the most sought-after speakers in the United States precedes him. His experience in consulting for big corporations in the United States, Canada, and Europe has proven to be the superpower he employs in choosing the speakers to join his platform. Shawn is on the Forbes Coaching Council, and his useful technique in helping leaders see their blindspots have transformed many lives and careers.

Introducing B. Jacqueline Jeter to the Leadership Experience Tour seems like a good move given how much Jacqueline has accomplished in her line of work. She created a blueprint for her mastermind program to transform lives internally and achieve outward impact and productivity. Her blueprint has been tested and proven with the three-step process she designed, which covers the steps “Refresh the mind; renew your purpose; reset your course.” Jacqueline also offers various masterminds that develop her clients’ skills to become powerful leaders, trainers, and communicators.

B. Jacqueline Jeter has spoken to many people and impacted them, and her specific focus has revolved around women empowerment, personal development, professional development, leadership training, and motivational speaking. Her masterpiece, called “Nitty Gritty,” has been a success, and that contributed to earning a spot in Shawn Fair’s Leadership Experience Tour. Jacqueline’s career trajectory morphed from getting thrown off her career. While she was trying to figure things out for herself, her former colleagues sought her help in figuring out what the next step was for them. Jacqueline found herself giving them insights on how to pivot and transform their lives. Things worked out for them, and it inspired her to get certifications and do more.

She had a mindset of helping others from the start, and today, more people are set to benefit from her, thanks to the new partnership with Shawn Fair. Jacqueline’s target audience covers ambitious, driven, high-achieving women in their 40s or older who want to pivot and change their lives around personally, professionally, or spiritually. Jacqueline helps them see their potential, power, self-worth, and purpose.

A partnership with an influential speaker like Shawn Fair, who has trained more than 300,000 leaders in the United States and abroad, is bound to be fruitful. Shawn’s vast experience in the corporate world and Jacqueline’s background look like the perfect blend to make the Leadership Experience Tour an impactful, positive, and life-changing program. Jacqueline, well-known as the “elephant slayer” due to her no-nonsense and focused approach to changing lives, hopes to give her career the perfect launchpad to become a highly sought-after speaker transforming lives and creating changes in the corporate world and other areas in the next few years.

Learn more about B. Jacqueline Jeter on her company’s official website.


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