Today, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of “Our Faith Crusade,” a remarkable book that chronicles the stories of business leaders and owners who have succeeded by centering their businesses on Jesus and their faith. The book aims to inspire others to follow suit, leading by faith in all aspects of their professional lives. In conjunction with the book, a captivating podcast series with the same title is set to launch at the end of June.
Authored by a passionate and dedicated team, “Our Faith Crusade” will serve as a guidebook for Christian men and women in leadership positions. It showcases real-life examples of individuals who have embraced the principles of Kingdom Commerce and integrated their faith into their businesses. By sharing these inspiring stories, the book aims to ignite a movement where businesses become potent vehicles for Christian values and impact.
“We believe that faith should be at the core of how we lead our businesses,” says the author and President of C-Suite for Christ Arizona and Executive Director of the newly formed Christian Business Alliance, Rob Brown. “Our goal is to encourage and support business executives, owners, and managers to be bold in their faith and to remember not just ‘who’ we are, but ‘whose’ we are. We want to create a community where Christians in the marketplace can come together, connect, and uplift one another.”
In addition to the book and podcast, the Christian Business Alliance is being launched as a premier platform that functions like a Christian chamber of commerce. The Alliance seeks to foster Kingdom Commerce by promoting intentional business connections between Christian entrepreneurs. By joining forces and supporting one another, these businesses can profoundly impact their communities while staying true to their faith.
The author, with a diverse background in the hospitality industry, profoundly understands the challenges business leaders face. As the President of C-Suite for Christ Arizona and the Executive Director of the Christian Business Alliance, he passionately works to empower leaders to embrace their faith and become impactful ambassadors of Jesus in the business world.
“I am not a pastor nor a perfect man,” explains the author. “. I have witnessed the power of faith in my journey and want to share that with others. Through our book, podcast, and the Christian Business Alliance, we aim to equip and inspire Christian leaders to make a difference, one business decision at a time.”
Readers of “Our Faith Crusade” are encouraged to join the Christian Business Alliance, connect with like-minded individuals, and leverage available resources and support. The book and podcast are valuable tools to guide leaders in integrating faith into their businesses and becoming transformational leaders in their communities.
For more updates, you may check C-Suite for ChristAZ or follow Rob Brown on LinkedIn For book and podcast updates, be sure to follow Our Faith Crusade.