How a Former CIA Special Agent is Leading the Global Fight Against Human Trafficking

A Global Estimates of Modern Slavery report states that over 50 million people were living under some form of modern slavery in 2021.

That number is only expected to rise in the years to come, as more and more of the perpetrators of human trafficking begin to wield the power of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) to prey on the vulnerable.

To make any headway in the fight against human trafficking, it is essential that key stakeholders – including governments and non-profit organizations – are smarter, faster, more strategic, and more dedicated than the traffickers. At all times.

Nic McKinley, founder of the non-profit, anti-human trafficking agency DeliverFund, is helping the global anti-trafficking community stay one step ahead of the offenders that are causing unthinkable damage and pain to human lives.

By applying his extensive experience as a former military special operator and intelligence officer, Nic has built an unmatched private intelligence agency that is winning the fight against human trafficking in our communities. 

Having built the largest human-curated trafficking database in the world, DeliverFund partners with law enforcement agencies across the United States to help them hunt, find, and capture human traffickers. 

They find the perpetrators by exploiting the power of their own technology, while using the same social media tactics traffickers use to find and persuade their victims. 

“Technology has made it easier for traffickers to search for and groom potential victims,” said Nic McKinley. “We are using the same technology that human traffickers use to scale their business to tear down their networks.”

They also equip, train, and advise law enforcement partners with their state-of-the-art technology, guiding them through the nitty-gritty of artificial intelligence platforms to better understand how the trafficking rings operate.

But DeliverFund’s technology and work with law enforcement is only the beginning.

On top of arming qualified personnel with what they need to reach and rescue victims, this brainchild of Nic McKinley also enables people from all walks of life to contribute to the anti-human trafficking cause via the launch of fundraising initiatives and even starting their own personal fundraisers.

Recently, Nic McKinley and his team have introduced Thrivers Coffee to the world, a coffee company intended to fuel DeliverFund’s mission even further by donating 100% of its proceeds to help the survivors of human trafficking start a new life.

DeliverFund has assisted law enforcement in rescuing hundreds of survivors out of human trafficking since 2015.

During his service as a CIA operative and ultimately Country Chief for a special unit within the CIA, Nic witnessed the horrible consequences of child trafficking firsthand. Never the type to turn a blind eye to human suffering, it was during these years that the idea of DeliverFund was born in his mind.

Though Nic has worn many hats over the years, from special military operator, to CEO of a multi-million-dollar tech venture, running a counter-human trafficking intelligence agency has been both the most challenging and the most rewarding.

Nic says he will remain on this frontline as long as he is able, pouring his heart into the incredible mission of rescuing and restoring trafficked survivors- his mission to end modern-day slavery in the United States. 

You can join his mission by becoming a donor at DeliverFund today.

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