Dawn Thompson: Empowering Expecting Mothers Nationwide

Dawn Thompson Empowering Expecting Mothers Nationwide (2)
Photo Courtesy: Dawn Thompson

By: Joshua Finley

Dawn Thompson’s journey into maternal health began long before she founded Birthify. With over 20 years of experience as a seasoned doula, she not only supported countless women through childbirth but also previously established the largest consumer advocacy organization for maternal health in the U.S., hearing thousands more stories from women. These roles gave her deep insights into maternity care’s systemic challenges and personal impacts.

“I’ve always believed that becoming a parent is a deeply personal and transformative experience, but it was never meant to be done alone,” Dawn said. “Every woman deserves to feel empowered and supported during this time.”

Disturbing trends in the Medical Industry

While many are aware of the troubling maternal health outcomes in the U.S., witnessing these realities unfold in real time on families presents a starkly different picture. Over the past two decades, Dawn has supported hundreds of women through birth and postpartum. Her experience in hospital settings revealed an unsettling pattern of unnecessary interventions. She often observed scenarios where medical providers recommended induction based on preliminary assessments—like an ultrasound indicating a large baby or low amniotic fluid—only for the actual conditions at birth to contradict these early warnings. 

Moreover, Dawn witnessed outdated practices like routine episiotomies, despite research showing they cause more harm than good, and mothers being incorrectly told that a cesarean section was necessary due to an ostensibly small pelvis—a rarity in reality.

“Too often, the medical system prioritizes efficiency over the genuine needs and preferences of expectant mothers and new parents,” Dawn notes. This approach has led to unwarranted inductions, avoidable complications, and an excessive reliance on cesarean sections, leaving many mothers feeling invalidated and traumatized. Such experiences frequently extend into the postpartum period, exacerbating mental health challenges like depression and anxiety, evident in the massive increase in reporting.

After two decades of observing these patterns and the astonishing decline in new mothers’ mental health, Dawn was compelled to seek change. She envisioned a world where every woman is informed and empowered to advocate for herself and her baby. Through Birthify, she is making this vision a reality, offering more awareness, education, and support to expecting mothers.

Dawn Thompson Empowering Expecting Mothers Nationwide
Photo Courtesy: Birthify

Virtual Doula Care From Bump to Baby

In 2022, Dawn launched Birthify with the goal of revolutionizing the maternal healthcare landscape with a digital-first approach to prenatal and postnatal care. 

When expecting and new parents sign up for Birthify, they’re matched with a certified doula who specializes in the type of birth and postpartum experience the mother wants. Birthify can also match by race and gender identity preferences, so parents feel supported by someone they know they can trust.

Once matched, new and expecting moms can message their doula anytime, anywhere to get answers from an expert who knows them and their baby just as well, if not better, than their provider: no more endless rabbit holes that are Google searches. Parents also receive four 30-minute virtual coaching sessions with their doula every month, scheduled when it’s convenient for mom. 

“The passage into motherhood was never meant to be done alone,” Dawn says. “With Birthify, parents get the education and the support they need to feel like they’re the driver, not the passenger, on this bumpy but amazing journey.” 

The Birthify Approach

Birthify distinguishes itself by the commitments it makes to its clients. We promise to pair each mother with a doula who not only cares about them personally but also prioritizes their needs over the medical system’s demands. Our doulas provide expert care from pregnancy through postpartum, guiding mothers on everything from prenatal health to lactation and newborn care, serving as a consistent guide throughout their journey.

It is important to note that while our guidance is grounded in evidence and personalized to each mother’s situation, it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Childbirth and the postpartum period are typically normal physiological processes, yet our doulas are vigilant in recognizing when situations evolve into medical concerns. In such cases, the Birthify team always encourages timely medical consultation. This approach empowers mothers to ask the right questions of their healthcare providers and understand when to seek urgent care or consult their pediatrician.

“Ultimately, Birthify is about empowering women and mothers,” says Dawn. “We strive for every mother to feel heard, believed, respected, and supported not just in birthing her baby but also in her journey as a new mother. She deserves nothing less.”

Empowering Tomorrow’s Mothers

As Birthify continues to grow, Dawn remains dedicated to her mission. “We’re just getting started,” she says. “Together, we can create a world where every mother feels like the heroine of her story.”

Connect with Dawn Thompson on LinkedIn and share the Birthify website with a new or expecting mom you know.


Published by: Khy Talara


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