First generation Haitian-American Mireille Auxila is earning the spotlight in the publishing world. Mireille, known as Mimie, is part-owner and the Chief Operating Officer of Publify Press and its respective companies, and recently published her own novella, Mending Maria.
Originally from Chicago, Mimie’s career journey began at fourteen in the business office of her high school. She quickly found a knack for the operations side of business, which would ultimately shape her career pursuits. As a natural perfectionist, Mimie spent countless late nights researching how she could enhance her job performance. Her interest in business led her to work in investment banking for several years before meeting Peter Lopez, founder of Publify Press. “Peter became like a brother to me, and our personalities worked well together.” When he approached her about partnering to start a business, she felt it was the next step in her journey.
It was not an easy path to COO, and Mimie experienced numerous challenges along the way. While working in investment banking, she felt unsettled. She was unable to pinpoint the source until a church service near the end of 2009. Mimie experienced what she describes as a call from God. “It was like the pastor was speaking directly to me. He said that if I continue to resist the call to change, I would not be covered by His blessing in the new year. I went to work the next day and gave my notice- this was my step of faith.” Despite picking up part-time jobs, her savings drained quickly and Mimie found herself struggling to make ends meet. She worked in administration at a local church while trying to discern what career would bring her fulfillment. Through this position, Mimie discovered an innate desire to amplify and celebrate individual voices through stories.
Eventually, a friend recommended Mimie for a job in the publishing department at a Christian media company. She absorbed information quickly and discovered a passion for the publishing industry. A few years later, former colleague Peter Lopez reached out with an opportunity. He wanted help founding a publishing company with Mimie as the COO. She was hesitant, but decided to take another step of faith and accept the offer. The dream developed rapidly and at the beginning of 2020, Publify Press launched.
Since the launch, Mimie has worked tirelessly to ensure the success of the company. COVID brought uncharted territory to the world of publishing, yet Publify Press remained steady. With stay at home orders, individuals who never had time to write a book found themselves at home with short task lists and extra free time. Many people decided to share their story with the world, and whether it was fiction, auto-biographical or self-improvement, Mimie was ready to publish for them. The pandemic helped level the playing field for publishing, and minority authors claimed space. Mimie saw an opportunity to strengthen the voices of individuals with similar backgrounds, and was thrilled to be part of it. She finds that “writing and publishing a book is all about leaving a legacy. Generations will remember you because of what you wrote, and I love that I get to be a part of that!”
Mimie credits her work ethic and fierce determination to her Haitian heritage. Undoubtedly, this was instilled by her family, and her father in particular. Growing up, she never doubted his investment in her life and career. It was not uncommon for him to call in the middle of the workday break to check-in and make sure she was putting full effort into her job. He was her inspiration, her backbone, and her daily call on the way home from the office. He saw value and beauty in owning a business, and frequently encouraged Mimie to pursue her own career. From the time she was little, he would say “the Auxilas were born to be leaders and entrepreneurs.” His encouragement and belief created a fire in Mimie that only burned brighter with his passing. Not only has she published her own fiction book, she is rising to the top of the publishing industry.
When reflecting on her journey, Mimie says she never stops growing. “I remain a sponge, taking in new information and growing in new ways every day. I’ve learned that I need to push myself out of my comfort zone in order to grow both personally and professionally.” This mindset has propelled Mimie forward despite personal and career challenges. Although Mimie has already earned the spotlight, there is no doubt she will continue to make her mark on the publishing industry.