“The meaning of life is to find your gifts; the purpose of life is to give it away in service.” – William Shakespeare
The 2019 Edward-Elmhurst Health Survey reported that only 25% of American adults clearly understand their purpose. Although the statistics are low for something as fundamental to life as knowing and following one’s life’s purpose, this data is unsurprising.
As an epidemiologist, women’s health expert, 2X bestselling author, keynote speaker, professional development and leadership coach, and women’s empowerment champion, Dr. Adebola Ajao has dedicated over two decades to public health, with a decade focused on advancing women’s health. Her first book, Empowered Woman: Five Principles to Living Your Best Life and Fulfilling Your Potential, was born out of her professional challenge to define her mission and legacy. Dr. Ajao empowers professional women to uncover hidden talents, shift their mindset, overcome insecurity, and break down self-doubt to unlock their full potential through her organization, Empowering Initiatives. Empowering Initiatives is dedicated to helping women maximize their highest potential and impact through personal, professional, and leadership development and service to others.
Her platform, speaking engagements, coaching, workshops, and events focus on personal and leadership development, women’s empowerment, and her five growth principles necessary for women to live a life of impact and legacy. These principles, which she teaches in both her book and her keynote addresses, include: “Thinking Big,” “Conquering Your Fears,” “Seeking and Acquiring Knowledge,” “Finding Mentors,” and “Acting and Following Through.” These tools help women realize their potential and fulfill their purpose by giving back to others.
The word “purpose” can seem very abstract to many, and it is often difficult to conceptualize and realize what is not understood. Dr. Ajao suggests thinking of purpose as a higher calling or a life mission. According to her, purpose is deeply rooted in who we are, meaning it is tied to our gifts, talents, strengths, skills, experiences, challenges, and how we serve others with these gifts. Dr. Ajao believes that everyone is gifted, and those gifts can be unlocked and offered to the world to fulfill one’s life purpose. However, many gifts are not easily recognized and require a journey of self-reflection to discover and actualize. Her book discusses gifts that are not easily recognized and provides examples such as adaptability, persistence, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and leadership. She encourages individuals to discover their purpose by asking themselves questions: What makes you unique? What are you good at? What experiences and challenges have you overcome?
Research shows that individuals who cultivate their strengths reach excellence and progress in life. Dr. Ajao advises leaning into, nurturing, and mastering one’s gifts to the greatest extent possible.
According to Dr. Ajao, in her book The Habit Code, our gifts hold little value if they are not put to good use through service to others. The lasting, fulfilling purpose is only found in transforming other people’s lives. True service, she notes, is about the impact and value created in the lives of others. Dr. Ajao encourages individuals to bloom where they are planted, asking themselves how and who they can serve and where they can serve in their community with their gifts, skills, and experience. Service can be a career, business, non-profit work, or community involvement, so she advises always shaping one’s career, business, and activities through the lens of service.
Through Empowering Initiatives, Dr. Ajao also teaches women how to shape their careers and businesses according to their purpose and talents. In her coaching practice, she works with professional women to break through fear, self-doubt, and insecurity to find the confidence needed to live out their mission. Dr. Ajao emphasizes that many people’s purposes are born out of the challenges they overcome, leading them to make it their life’s purpose to teach the lessons learned and empower others facing similar struggles.
She encourages writing a personal vision and mission statement to encapsulate one’s highest ambition and the impact one wants in the world. This statement can be revised as individuals grow and evolve in their gifts and purposes.
For Dr. Ajao, discovering one’s life’s purpose provides a foundation to frame future decisions and actions, offering direction to work towards. For this purpose, individuals can align their gifts and strengths with service to others, fulfilling their potential and maximizing their impact and legacy. It is also through discovering one’s purpose that lasting meaning, fulfillment, satisfaction, and true happiness can be found. Through her coaching, speaking engagements, and books, Dr. Ajao helps guide professional women toward this realization, empowering them to make a lasting difference in both their lives and the lives of others.
Published by: Nelly Chavez