Acquisition CEO Founder Michael Byars Reveals What the Top 1% of Successful Business Owners Do to Buy Back Their Biggest Asset: Time.

Scaling a business is vital because it can help entrepreneurs free up their most valuable asset: time. When a company is in its infancy stage, entrepreneurs often find themselves involved in every aspect of the business, leaving them with little time for other important activities, such as spending time with family or pursuing personal interests.

By scaling a business, entrepreneurs can delegate tasks to employees, outsource certain activities, and streamline operations, allowing them to focus on high-level strategic activities. 

Michael Byars, the founder of Acquisition CEO, is a serial entrepreneur with a remarkable success story. As a former one-man company, Michael started his first business at the age of 19 in the tech industry. He grew that company to generate $40 million per year in revenue and then went on to acquire a failing restaurant, which he quickly turned around and sold at its highest valuation. 

Later, he utilized the profit from those businesses to purchase over 170 rental homes and commercial buildings and obtained plumbing, HVAC, property management, and general contracting/construction companies to employ synergies between the companies.

In 2020, Michael capitalized on the opportunity to purchase an ecommerce company, implementing automation software that contributed to its rapid growth from $1.3 million to $10 million in revenue in just six months. 

Today, Michael Byars has 20 companies in his portfolio, generating a total revenue of $140 million per year. He also co-founded a business acquisition specialist firm that trains and educates entrepreneurs on acquisition strategies, with over 350 entrepreneurs benefiting from his 20+ years of experience.

Michael’s success stems from his ability to utilize innovative approaches to maximize market potential, coupled with his operational acumen and strategic development and implementation of automation software. He continues to acquire and scale businesses professionally, offering comprehensive investment thesis strategies to entrepreneurs seeking to understand the market better.

Michael’s journey demonstrates that with vision, perseverance, and fortitude, anything is possible. Through Acquisition CEO, he’s now helping entrepreneurs buy back their most important asset: time.

A mastermind group and course specifically designed for company owners and entrepreneurs have been launched by Acquisition CEO. By utilizing Michael’s 20 years of experience in buying, scaling, and selling companies for the maximum value feasible, this course is created to give students a thorough grasp of how to grow a firm through mergers and acquisitions.

The Mastermind program is specially designed to inform business owners about the tactical benefits of buying an existing company rather than creating one from scratch. It provides useful advice on locating target businesses, negotiating acquisitions, and enhancing the company’s value.

With Michael’s wealth of knowledge and experience, entrepreneurs can expect to gain insights on how to scale their businesses and position themselves for future success and create a lasting legacy of wealth. He states, “At 19 years old, I was fortunate enough to have a mentor who poured into me and educated me on the principles and strategy of entrepreneurship. Now, I have a passion for doing the same for others and changing lives by creating legacy wealth for my mentees.”


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