Hassan Sanders Shares Journey to Building Credit Medics Rx, a Top-of-Mind Credit Repair Firm

Born in September 1981, Hassan Sanders is best known as one of the most promising founders and CEOs of his generation. He is the visionary behind the success of Chicago-based Diabetic Insurance Solutions and the founder of Credit Medics .

Hassan grew up watching his father follow his entrepreneurial spirit and portray an admirable work ethic, which drove him to be the best entrepreneur he could become. Besides his abovementioned financial ventures, the serial entrepreneur also started an insurance brokerage in Chicago, Diabetic Insurance Solutions, where his agency rose to the rank of an Independent Marketing Organization. The company has helped a myriad of agents earn multiple six-figure incomes. Eventually, he started his own credit repair firm specializing in helping consumers clear negative and erroneous items from their credit reports to obtain housing, credit cards, personal loans, and business funding.

Over the years, Hassan has scaled his credit repair company to the top, now known in its community as a top-of-mind choice for anyone who needs better credit scores. The CEO is currently reaping great success in the credit repair industry as well as in financial literacy. Together with his team of seasoned specialists, Hassan provides unrivaled strategies and solutions that help clients build the perfect credit profile to increase their odds of funding while simultaneously bringing them to the right circle of banks and lenders. 

In addition, Hassan has gained quite a traction across social media platforms and nationally, where he continually shares his vision of the future of credit repair with millions of people, inspiring them to explore opportunities that come their way. His unique perspective has allowed him to work with people from all walks of life, implementing local, prominent campaigns for small businesses. His expertise has also been amplified across national platforms focusing on his dedication to financial product lines, educating others, and expanding his credit repair practice across the country.

“We offer tradeline packages that allow consumers’ credit scores to be boosted up to 100 to 200+ points, strengthening their likelihood of approvals for financial products,” shared Hassan. “We offer the fastest credit repair, which can clear a consumer’s credit profile of all negative items. We offer a comprehensive step-by-step consultation to get a consumer ready for funding in 30 days,” the CEO explained further.

Hassan and his team at Credit Medics are committed to helping their clients clear a negative credit profile in 21 days or less. The firm also offers in-house financing and prepares its clients for their personal and business goals. On top of that, Hassan also educates clients on maintaining a good credit report for the long run.

“When I had bad credit out of college and wasn’t educated on why you needed good credit, I quickly was denied credit cards, couldn’t get a vehicle without the high-interest rates and was simply tired of leveraging my personal cash to start businesses,” Hassan shared. “I was fed up with overpriced tradelines and credit repair, some tradelines not posting, and some credit repair companies simply not doing the work of clearing up my credit profile. Later I researched that most individuals have manual, ‘unautomated’ processes and simply got tired of begging friends and family to add me to their credit cards to boost my scores.”

Since then, Hassan has invested great time and effort in learning everything there is to know about credit repair to ensure that no one else goes through the same financial challenges he encountered when he was just starting out. In five years, Credit Medics aims to open more offices across the country and increase its project sales to over $50 million, goals that, without a doubt, Hassan will be able to reach.


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