Aspiring Actor and Singer Olivia Desiree on Her Journey from Jakarta to New York

Aspiring Actor and Singer Olivia Desiree on Her Journey from Jakarta to New York
Photo Courtesy: MAPS Studio / @maps_nc

In the world of performing arts, where talent meets relentless ambition, few stories resonate with the harmonious blend of passion and perseverance as that of Olivia Desiree. Born in the vibrant city of Jakarta, Indonesia, Desiree’s journey to the stages of New York City encapsulates a narrative that is as inspiring as it is mesmerizing. With dreams larger than life and a spirit unyielding in its pursuit, she has navigated her path from the crowded streets of Jakarta to the illustrious corridors of the Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute at New York University, graduating in 2022. Her story is not just one of talent but an ode to the transformative power of dedication and hard work.

From a tender age, Olivia knew that her heart belonged to the stage. Dancing since she could walk, her childhood was punctuated with rhythms and melodies that spoke to her soul. It wasn’t long before she ventured into musical theater at school, a domain where she didn’t just belong but thrived. The stage became not just a platform but a home where every performance was an intimate conversation with her audience.

Her recent performances in New York City are testaments to her evolving artistry. Gracing venues like Don’t Tell Mama with her singing cabaret shows or captivating audiences in off-Broadway productions such as “Constellations of Everything Before Us,” Olivia has showcased an impressive range that spans acting and singing with equal finesse. These experiences have not only honed her skills but also solidified her resolve to reach for Broadway—the ultimate dream for many in musical theater.

Working under the tutelage of award-winning director Lorca Peress and renowned choreographer Jeffrey Ferguson has been instrumental in refining Olivia’s craft. Through countless rehearsals at the Irma Sandrey Theatre for shows like “Baby” and “Falsettos,” both directed by Ferguson, she has explored depths within herself that were previously untapped. It is here that Olivia learned to embody characters wholly, bringing them to life with authenticity and emotion—a skill crucial for anyone aiming for Broadway.

Yet, it’s not just formal training or stage performances that define Olivia’s journey. She has embraced unconventional methods like street theater as a brand ambassador for iconic shows such as the Rockettes and Chicago. This experience taught her invaluable lessons about improvisation and adaptability—skills essential for any performer looking to make their mark.

Olivia often says, “The stage is like my home.” This simple yet profound statement captures the essence of her relationship with performing arts—a sanctuary where she finds both expression and solace. It reflects an unwavering commitment to her craft; no matter where she performs, be it on bustling streets or under bright lights off-Broadway, each moment is cherished as an opportunity to connect and communicate through art.

Her mentors have always emphasized one philosophy: “Everything is a yes,” encouraging an openness to explore all avenues without reservations. This ethos has shaped Olivia’s approach towards challenges—viewing them not as obstacles but stepping stones towards greater achievements.

Following Olivia Desiree’s journey from Jakarta to New York through and witnessing her growth from aspiring artist to accomplished performer, it’s clear that hers is more than just a tale of personal success—it’s about inspiring others who dare to dream big despite odds stacked against them.

Olivia’s narrative blends seamlessly into New York’s mosaic—a city known for its diversity and dynamism, much like how musical theater brings together various elements on stage to create something truly extraordinary. In this sense, Olivia isn’t just performing; she’s contributing a unique verse in New York’s endless symphony—an aspiration shared by many but achieved by few.

To aspiring artists worldwide, Olivia Desiree embodies hope—a living proof that with unwavering passion and tireless work ethic, even the loftiest dreams are within reach. As she continues on her path toward Broadway glory, one thing remains certain: every step taken is another note added to her remarkable melody—one that echoes far beyond theater halls into hearts resonating with similar aspirations.

In essence, Olivia Desiree’s story isn’t solely about reaching Broadway; it’s about redefining what success means on one’s own terms—turning every no into a yes-and scenario while navigating through life’s unpredictable script with grace and resilience—an inspiration for everyone.

Published by: Holy Minoza


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