The Luminous Journey of Neon Jesus: From Boosie Badazz Estate to MTV

The Luminous Journey of Neon Jesus: From Boosie Badazz Estate to MTV
Photo Credited to Neon Jesus

While meandering through the eclectic world of Instagram, a peculiar image nestled in Boosie Badazz’s Christmas post caught the eye: a distinctive white guy amid vibrant personalities. This intriguing character seemed different – not just because of his golden Versace shades, Ric Flair-inspired hair, or even his designer clothing. He exuded a unique vibe that could not be equated with being a mere worker, albeit an eccentric one.

Upon further curiosity-led exploration, his digital identity, referenced as Neon Jesus, was given to him by H-town’s own Sauce Walka, the drip god – an intriguing alias that perfectly suited the man whose life revolves around neon lights and quirky creativity.

Originally hailing from a humble background, Neon Jesus embarked on a journey to chase his luminescent dreams. His pursuit landed him in Dallas, Texas, at a TV production company, and two years later, he found himself right at the heart of Boosie’s Estates. That was the real start of Neon Jesus’s journey, a chapter where his talent began to shine bright.

A fan of rapper Mo3 and a resident of Forrest Lane in Dallas for four years, Neon Jesus’s connection with Boosie’s music was deep-rooted. Their music was a comforting relief during hard times and motivated him significantly. Yet, when presented with an opportunity to work in Boosie’s estates, Neon Jesus clarified that his focus would be solely on his craft, not fandom. His commitment to grinding and continuously creating was apparent. His craftsmanship speaks volumes about his dedication; he creates custom neon lights and commercial signs, handles set design and photography, and even works with models. His hands were, quite literally, creating miracles.

Neon Jesus’s artistry and hard work significantly transformed Boosie’s Estates into a spectacle similar to Las Vegas, an achievement visible during the home tour on VLAD TV. His relentless pursuit of creating value eventually saw him collaborate with an emerging artist and secured him a feature with Boosie.

His zeal for laughter and amusement shone through when he decided to create a promotional video for Boosie’s movie, Where’s MJ, dressed as the legendary wrestler, Ric Flair. Complete with 15 models and uploaded online, the video gathered eyeballs instantaneously. In fact, Neon Jesus’s artistic journey took a significant turn when MTV reached out to him to display his neon artistry on TV. As enticing as the offer was, it also stood as a crossroads for Neon Jesus. Accepting would mean saying goodbye to his private life and role behind the scenes. 

However, Neon Jesus would agree that life is about growth and evolution. He decided to embrace this new journey that might not be rosy, but he can’t back down from challenges. Consequently, Neon Jesus brought his luminary world to the television screen in a show titled “Help I’m in a Secret Relationship.” But be aware, this is more than just showcasing neon art: it’s also a testament to when things go awry.

From a perplexing white guy in a Christmas post to a luminary artist touching lives with his creativity, Neon Jesus’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. He proves that art is transformative and can take you to places beyond your imagination. Neon Jesus’s luminous journey – from the streets of Dallas to Boosie Badazz’s estate and now onto MTV- is a shining testament to his undying spirit and artistic prowess. Reassuringly, his vibrant journey is just beginning, and the world has yet to witness his radiance’s full spectrum. 

For those intrigued by this extraordinary adventure, keep tabs via MTV’s official social media channels @mtv.  


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