5 Ways Company Apparel Helps Improve Employee Loyalty

5 Ways Company Apparel Helps Improve Employee Loyalty
Photo: Unsplash.com

There are many ways to utilize company-branded merchandise to foster employee loyalty. If these methods are carefully used in tandem with other authentic means of fostering loyalty, they can be effective in creating the beginnings of a foundation of employee loyalty. Authenticity is the key here.

Builds Team Unity

When you have company-branded merchandise that every one of your employees is required to wear to work every day, it promotes inclusivity and adds a team spirit to your organization. When everyone is wearing the same uniform, and they look sharp and presentable, employees are better able to accept each other and feel included. This effect carries over to your customer base. They see that your organization is a team. The customers then reflect back that perception to your employees. Company attire that looks professional also removes the barriers of class and self-esteem that can keep employees from finding a home in your organization. Company-branded attire with a carefully chosen slogan is really a great gift to give out at the end of conferences, onboarding, and team-building events.

Exhibits Awareness of Their Professionalism

Crisp and sharp company-branded attire also sets a tone for each employee each day, showing that they are a professional team member. With company attire, employees will be more likely to act on this part at the beginning of their tenure. Over time, they will have positive experiences that show them they are indeed a productive part of your enterprise. There also needs to be an authentic effort to acknowledge employees when they exhibit such professionalism and show growth in their capabilities and skill level. Employees who are aware of the positive contribution they add to your organization and genuinely feel acknowledged will be more loyal to your organization.

Rewards Employees for Going the Extra Mile

A professional, company-branded uniform is one great way to promote employee loyalty. When your employees demonstrate loyalty by going the extra mile, it is great to provide branded company merchandise that rewards their accomplishments. For example, Amazon provides company-branded t-shirts, sweatshirts, holiday cookies, and other foods every year to employees in their warehouses to thank them for their productivity and overtime hours right after Prime Day and their peak season (the holidays). The t-shirts and sweatshirts serve as a proud reminder of their efforts to get the company through the toughest crunch days of the year. Completion of a major project is also a great time to provide carefully chosen company-branded apparel. Again, authenticity on all other fronts is also a key. If employees are treated like the valued members of your organization as they deserve, they will more likely remain loyal. The branded merchandise is a neat way to show appreciation and foster employee pride in their accomplishments.

Rewards Longevity

You could utilize more expensive company-branded apparel for employees that show longevity. It truly does depend upon your industry, but you could provide more expensive, company-branded apparel for employees who demonstrate longevity and motivation over a period of years. For example, company-branded jackets might be a really nice touch for employees who demonstrate years of faithful service.

Reminds Employees of Company Values

Set the foundation of company values that employees can be proud to participate in every day. Company-branded apparel can promote loyalty by reminding employees of their mission. Say you are working for an HVAC company, and you and your fellow employees are wearing shirts that say, “We keep our community’s homes comfortable.” That slogan will more likely to be embodied in the manner in which you carry out your work. This also promotes loyalty by reflecting your company’s values, even on days when the going is harder. In the example, the job is tougher on the hottest day of the year when many homeowners are calling for an AC repair.

Company-branded merchandise by itself will do little to promote employee loyalty. When augmented by authentic efforts to acknowledge employee efforts, professionalism, and longevity, it can serve as a reflection of the purpose and direction of your enterprise. This can help bring teams of enthusiastic employees together who are proud to be bonded to a common cause they believe in.


Published by: Khy Talara


This article features branded content from a third party. Opinions in this article do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of CEO Weekly.