Veeam’s Beni Sia Shares Passion for Cyber Security, Innovation… And Snowboarding!

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By: Veeam

Beni Sia is General Manager and Senior VP of the Asia Pacific and Japan region at Veeam. Here, he shares his journey from writing his first programs in C++ to leading Veeam’s sales team in one of the most diverse and dynamic regions in the world.

For Sia, an accomplished executive in the tech space, a former mentor’s mantra has influenced his career profoundly: Nobody remembers your watch — only how you treated them.

First Steps in the IT Industry

Sia’s passion for technology and innovation began early on, as evidenced by his choices of studying electrical engineering and writing his first programs in C++. His debut in the IT industry was with a local distributor in Singapore, where he gained valuable experience and knowledge about the industry.

From his initial role in distribution, Sia moved on to work with regional and local enterprises, specializing in systems integration. Later, he worked alongside hardware and software vendors, discovering that human connections play a significant role in the tech industry — no matter the nature of the technology itself. Building meaningful relationships with customers and partners became the foundation of his lasting connections in the industry.

A Path to Success with Veeam

Sia’s varied experience across different aspects of the IT sector proved invaluable as he took on his current role at Veeam. A deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the IT ecosystem has shaped his perspective on leveraging technology to create better experiences for customers and partners.

The coming months will be busy for Sia and his team. The third fiscal quarter is underway, and Veeam is focused on executing its plans and surpassing targets. With a keen eye on the market’s concern for cyber threats — especially regarding ransomware, containers and microservices, hybrid cloud, and modern data management Veeam is ready to provide guidance and effective strategies to customers and partners.

The Australian and New Zealand market, in particular, has demonstrated a strong inclination towards technology adoption and innovation. Sia expects this market to continue growing, led by public cloud adoption and the integration of everything-as-a-service (XaaS) solutions.

Lessons from the Past

Along the way, Sia learned the importance of creating an environment where failure is acceptable — using it as a stepping stone for progress.

Reflecting on a previous campaign that failed to deliver the expected results, Sia emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes, understanding the root cause and adjusting accordingly — all part of the journey to continued success.

Pursuing Passions, Ambitions, and Snowboarding!

Professionally, Sia is driven by the desire to protect businesses from cyber threats and ensure all sensitive data is backed up and secure. Under his leadership, Veeam continues to develop customer-centric services to handle the shared responsibility of data protection for businesses of all sizes.

As a people-driven leader, he is committed to empowering his team and guiding them toward success as they grow the business.

Beyond business, Sia’s passion for snowboarding inspires him by offering unique insights into his own professional life. Just like work, snowboarding involves adapting to changes, maintaining focus and learning from any falls. It shows how mixing personal interests with career work can make life more balanced and rewarding.

Although Sia wasn’t raised around snow, he was charmed by cold countries and sought a sport he could enjoy on vacations. He found that snowboarding could be an adventure or a shared experience with family and friends. The sport has taught Sia a valuable lesson about life: Nobody starts off as an expert. Becoming better takes persistence, learning and effort — an ethos he upholds as strictly in his work life as on the snowy slopes.

The Best Piece of Advice

The life lesson that’s stuck with Beni Sia throughout his career came from a retiring CIO, who stated, “The mark of a man is not the title he holds in office but how he’s remembered after he has left office. People don’t remember how big a project you have done, nor how many houses, cars or watches you have, they will always remember how you treated them.”


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