Tips and Tricks to Know About Email Marketing

Tips and Tricks to Know About Email Marketing

By: Viraj Shah 

Email is far from being outdated. Over 347 billion emails are sent daily, and email marketing has the highest return on investment for any advertising channel. If you want to boost your conversions and strengthen customer loyalty, these seven email marketing tips and tricks will help you thrive in inboxes.

A/B Test Subject Lines

Send the same email to two identical segments of your list, then see which one has more open rates. This is a simple and cost-effective method for gauging the effectiveness of your subject lines. You can also use the data you gather to write more eye-catching subject lines in the future to ensure you get your finest campaigns.

Target Your Email Flows

Personalized email flows will likely help you get higher open and conversion rates. Hubspot reports that effective email marketing campaigns use higher segmentation and message personalization to increase engagement rates and drive click-through rates (CTRs) through the roof.

Personalize Your Messages

A simple name field that greets the reader personally can make a huge difference in brand perception and customer engagement rates. No one wants to feel like they’re on the receiving end of a soulless, generic email, so take small measures like using people’s names to convey your care and interest in their business.

Always Include Links

A common mistake email marketers make is sending out informative emails with no interactive element. This ultimately does nothing for the reader because even if the content is engaging, there’s no follow-through. You should always include internal links and a strong call-to-action (CTA) that gives your audience something to do with the message you’ve sent them.

Send Readers to Social Media

Email marketing can help boost your following and activity on social media channels, too. Imagine having an Instagram series that you promote through email. One tap will take your reader from their inbox to the post you’re promoting. This could not only increase your follower count but lead to more engagement on multiple channels.

It’s always a good idea to leverage your successful channels to drive traffic to others. This also helps customers who may be missing out on awesome content get even more value from your brand across the internet.

Time Your Emails

Every business’s audience is different, so you need to really understand your segments if you want to cash in on their active times. Avoid sending messages in the middle of the day unless you know your audience is active in their inbox then. Prime times for sending emails include during morning commutes and evenings.

Treat Email Like Any Other Form of Content

Make email engaging! It shouldn’t just be a promotional spot where you toss out some offers and hope people bite. Instead, use email as a chance to share stories, build brand awareness, and foster trust with your audience. The end goal may be conversion, but you should also have an overarching objective in mind: connect with your audience by giving them great content.


Published by: Khy Talara


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