South African Entrepreneur Andrew Eaton Rubs Shoulders With Greatness

Andrew Eaton
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Andrew Eaton, an entrepreneur born in Pretoria and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, has risen to great heights despite facing a roller coaster of adversity. Andrew attended the University of Stellenbosch and earned a Bachelor of Economics degree. He wanted to become an entrepreneur and started selling gym memberships in 1999. In 2000, Andrew began working as an agent for a corporate calendar business in Cape Town. In 2008, he and his business partner turned it into a successful relationship marketing IT company.


Unfortunately, the company went bankrupt in 2008, leaving Andrew in debt without a clear path forward. He returned to sales, and over the next few years, he sold outdoor media for two companies but found himself needing more. In 2011, Andrew and his wife discovered their two-year-old daughter was autistic, which motivated him to find a way to provide for his family and meet his daughter’s needs. Andrew turned to network marketing, a model he believed in but had never been successful in.


The new endeavor was met with many obstacles. Initially, Andrew had to convince his wife and father-in-law that network marketing was a viable option. The business initially stagnated, and he struggled to break through; however, he attended a convention in Las Vegas hosted by Eric Worre, a network marketing legend, and his life changed. As he listened, he learned the importance of never quitting and being careful about who he listened to. Since then, Eric has become a mentor to Andrew and a source of encouragement. 


As Andrew’s success grew, so did the number of people who disapproved of what he was doing. Eric advised Andrew that if he didn’t want to attract this kind of attention, he would need to play small, but when you play big, there will always be these kinds of people. Andrew found exactly that. As he started to achieve significant success, negative sentiments began to appear quickly online. Recalling Eric’s advice, Andrew recognized that if he wanted to play big, he just had to accept that this would come with the territory. 


In 2019, the company Andrew worked for went bankrupt, and many leaders like him had their names dragged through the mud. Despite this setback, Andrew has continued to persevere and has become a successful entrepreneur. His success is a testament to his resilience and ability to persevere in the face of adversity. 


The motivation to keep going is his most important “why,” his family. Now with two young children who are autistic, it has been exceptionally challenging to give them everything they need, both in terms of time and finances. The support from his family and mentors like Eric Worre has made it possible for him to excel. 


Andrew’s story is an inspiration to other entrepreneurs who may be struggling to make their dreams a reality. He reminds us that success is not easy and takes hard work, determination, and a willingness to never give up on our dreams. Follow Andrew on Instagram to watch his story continue to unfold.


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