Rachel Kennedy Elevates the Digital Marketing Platform and Hopes to Bring More Women Along for the Ride

Digital marketing is a must-have cornerstone of a successful brand or business these days. Most innovative companies that are in the know often utilize marketing campaigns to bolster their online coverage and captivate a wider audience. However, casting a wide net and disseminating information about a brand isn’t quite enough to convert the attention into revenue. That’s where Rachel Kennedy comes in, providing her expertise in digital marketing to make sure that her clients can convert their campaigns towards the lucrative side of business.

Rachel Kennedy officially dove into the digital marketing industry in 2008, with her very own travel blog. In 2011, she moved to Europe for work, and her blog quickly took off. This landed her partnerships with hotels and tourism boards, allowing her to delve further into the art of blogging and captivating an audience. With a thirst for knowledge and wanting to grow even more, she made it her mission to become well-versed in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). 

She learned how to design websites and started running her very own business out of the experience. Rachel collaborated with some of the biggest brands in various industries, including Google, American Express, Stetson, Bvlgari, Hilton, Best Western, Sephora, and many more. 

 In 2015, Rachel moved back to the United States and quit her corporate job as a marketing manager in 2019. Soon after, she established an SEO Agency in order to support other female entrepreneurs and empower them to live their dreams. Her goal has always been to connect the content, products, and websites of businesses to their ideal clients in an organic manner. By utilizing the Google algorithm, Rachel provides great value offerings to her customers and beyond. 

“I learned everything there was to learn about SEO through courses, training, reading blogs and books, and consuming digital content on social media. All of these have helped me figure out ways to help female entrepreneurs make the most out of their businesses,” expressed Rachel. She once helped American luxury shoe brand Sarah Flint’s influencer team learn how to increase their affiliate sales through implementing an SEO strategy into their online content, and has appeared on dozens of podcasts, live virtual events, corporate retreats, mastermind events, and webinars teaching what she refers to as the “love language of SEO.”

By utilizing her massive platform, Rachel Kennedy hopes to inspire female entrepreneurs to push their female-owned brands to the next level by adopting complete digital solutions. She hopes to help businesswomen cultivate their brand’s online presence by providing her adept skills and expertise on the matter.

Rachel is encouraging female-owned brands to adopt complete digital solutions and maintain a robust online presence to move their companies forward. “It makes no sense to not implement an SEO strategy when Google reports that billions of queries are being typed into their search engine every day. 9 out of 10 times the missing link between content and cash is some type of algorithmic optimization,” says Rachel.

For the next few years, her goals are to expand her business, employ more people, and serve more women. She also plans to open a series of women’s collectives. “I  intend to offer an all-encompassing suite of services in one building that will offer co-working, content creation studios, legal services, copywriters, marketing specialists, graphic designers, etc., to make running businesses easier for women,” she affirmed. “I’d love to have an event space, a couple of boutique-style hotel suites, a coffee shop/lounge/restaurant, rooftop garden, and lots of meeting spaces as well. I’ve had this vision for the last two years, and this year actively started scouting for the first location and speaking to fellow female entrepreneurs who want to be investors and have offices in the spaces. It’s going to be beautiful,” she added.

It’s clear to see that Rachel Kennedy is extremely passionate about what she does. Her determination knows no bounds, and it is equally inspiring to entrepreneurs all over the world, and most especially, empowered women who she fully embodies and proudly represents. Rachel is on her way to the top, and she hopes to bring as many women along with her as possible.

To learn more about Rachel Kennedy, and receive live updates, visit her official website and follow her on Instagram.


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