Olamidotun Oluwagbohun and Sovereign Light Technologies on Enabling Success for People and Businesses

Today’s ventures are at a unique position of having access to almost all resources and knowledge needed to provide their products and services, improve how they operate, and reach greater heights. Additionally, thanks primarily to the advent of digital technology, founders and the teams spearheading these companies can scour the internet to gain a deeper understanding of their field and close whatever gaps are hindering them from achieving their goals. However, while it’s always an option to rely on one’s own competence and acumen to start and scale a company, it remains true that there is considerable value in seeking the guidance of those who are well-versed in the nitty-gritty of the business world. Sovereign Light Technologies, the brainchild of Olamidotun Oluwagbohun, is one such authority.

A highly accomplished professional with over two decades of experience under his belt, Olamidotun Oluwagbohun, or Dotun, has dipped his toes in several sectors over the years. He’s worn many hats and assumed different roles, from serving as an IT consultant, project manager, and scrum master to standing as an Agile coach and SAFE 5 program consultant.  Throughout his career, he’s managed to build a reputation for helping individuals, businesses, and organizations actualize their career visions and corporate goals. Above anything else, he’s been instrumental in the journey of countless clients toward Agile digital transformation.

The Kanban University graduate, who is a member of Project Management Institute, Scrum Alliance, and Scaled Agile, is part of a team of experienced entrepreneurs and business and career coaches at Sovereign Light Technologies. Widely respected for their groundbreaking ideas and all-out attitude toward maneuvering their clients in the direction of success, the talented group provides insightful and practical solutions designed to create meaningful change. 

Under Dotun’s leadership, Sovereign Light Technologies is currently offering an impressive roster of services, including training, coaching, consulting, and solution provisioning. In the time since its launch, it has lent a hand to to corporations and businesses looking to level up their revenue-generating game, re-engineer processes to increase speed of delivery of products and services, secure early RoI, nurture enabling culture that boosts team morale, attain and sustain stellar customer satisfaction, and align strategy and execution in order to actualize projected goals.  

Without fail, Sovereign Light Technologies has observed the values of innovation, consistency, transparency, focus, and result. In doing so, it succeeded in carving a spot for itself in the cut-throat and saturated world of business and expects to remain at the forefront. This confidence is backed by the long list of achievements the company has snagged  and the respect Dotun and his team has gained.

In the years to come, the results-driven venture is set to continue operating under the belief that the right understanding, positioning, and technological edge can lead individuals, companies, and businesses toward a successful future. With Dotun at the helm, it will stay committed to ensuring that those they serve will arrive at the full expression of their dreams. 


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