Mina Tadrus: A Different Way of Trading

Trading and capital management is not a new venture by any means. The simple act of trading is as old as time. Although the stock market is an entirely different beast, it is nevertheless built around the same historical concept of trading: making money, building a legacy, and perhaps leaving something behind.

Mina Tadrus, CEO of Tadrus Capital LLC, is putting a new spin on trading. Using artificial intelligence (AI)-based high-frequency trading models for those who wish to invest, he and his team are changing the Wall Street standard by leveraging innovative technology. 

“As a former derivatives consultant for JPMorgan and a trading desk supervisor with one of the largest prop trading firms in New York City, I was able to see and experience how risk management and quantifying a systematic investment strategy can lead to higher returns on investments,” says Tadrus. 

Tadrus’s new approach to trading utilizes superior, proprietary algorithms that capture significant gains before the market turns. Tadrus has learned well that one cannot control the volatility of the markets or of assets, but every person can control the risks they are willing to take. This risk management mindset has led Tadrus to pull in some significantly high returns unmatched by their peers in the industry. 

The advantage of AI

In today’s world, every venture seems to be taking a more technologically-advanced path to success, and Tadrus Capital is no exception. If a task can be made better and more lucrative through cutting-edge innovations such as virtual reality, machine learning, or AI, jumping on those opportunities will be mutually beneficial for all parties involved.

Tadrus Capital is harnessing the AI advantage for its clients. “Our main competitive advantage and unique value proposition reside in our proprietary flagship model,” says Tadrus. A robust risk management framework allows Tadrus to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns for investors. Their entire model is informed by the scientific method, causing their investing strategies to be less of a gamble and far more of an informed process. 

Quant strategies 

Tadrus uses quant strategies to identify stocks with a higher probability of outperforming an index. The approach is highly mathematical and has been developed and improved by statisticians, programmers, and industry analysts. Tadrus’ trades are done with this method, and the results primarily speak for themselves; Tadrus has regularly garnered 30% annual returns on investments for investors (net of fees), a number far higher than average returns, which sit around 13% before fees (5% – 7% after fees). 

The power and speed of AI-informed investing, with constant updates and modifications, can provide fixed-income investment management. AI’s capability to analyze large quantities of data in shorter amounts of time allows traders to take advantage of slight deviations and weigh trading risks, making resulting moves in real time. 

There are many benefits to quant trading, including the optimal use of data and the availability of more scientific methods to predict the trajectory of stocks. Much of the decision-making process in trading can be driven by emotion, no matter how unreliable that may be. But with quant trading, science drives the decision-making, allowing for stronger long-term results overall.

Changing the way we trade 

Tadrus is interested in changing the way people trade forever and is wholly uninterested in the status quo. At the moment, high-frequency trading — like the kind Tadrus champions — is more popular overseas than in the United States. Tadrus is hoping to be at the forefront of building algorithmic trading methods here in the states. 

“We work hard to constantly improve our company, processes, and technology with the ultimate goal of offering competitive and innovative products within a solid investment and operational infrastructure,” says Tadrus. The company’s mission is to partner with individual and institutional investors who need help managing their capital and learning a better way to invest. 

“I’m very proud of what we are doing,” says Tadrus of his company. “We are not just different — we are exceptional.” 


Mina Tadrus, CEO of Tadrus Capital LLC, is using artificial intelligence (AI) to provide a new approach to trading. Tadrus’s AI-based high-frequency trading models utilize superior, proprietary algorithms that aim to capture significant gains before the market turns. These models are informed by the scientific method and are designed to provide superior risk-adjusted returns for investors. Tadrus has regularly garnered 30% annual returns on investments for investors (net of fees), a number far higher than the average returns of around 13% before fees (5% – 7% after fees). AI’s ability to analyze large quantities of data in a short amount of time allows traders to take advantage of slight deviations and weigh trading risks in real time. Tadrus is hoping to be at the forefront of building algorithmic trading methods in the United States.


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