Meet YongLe, Founder of Guidesify: A Digitalization Pioneer and a Trusted Partner to Singapore’s SMEs

Meet YongLe, Founder of Guidesify: A Digitalization Pioneer and a Trusted Partner to Singapore's SMEs
Photo Courtesy: Guidesify

By: Maria Williams

For most Singaporean teenagers, school is their primary focus. But for YongLe, the CEO of Guidesify, he always wanted to make his own money ever since he was in Junior College (JC). 

Coming from a lineage of entrepreneurs, with his mother being a piano teacher and his grandmother having started a salon, Yongle followed the entrepreneurial path out of passion, embracing it as a natural extension of his creativity and drive.

His journey from a startup to a small business has been marked by highs and lows, twists and turns, and the only constant he knew was change. “Since JC, I always wanted to find ways to earn my own money,” YongLe recalls. “That pressure pushed me to explore different ventures, and I started with dropshipping.” The early days were tough, but his determination pushed him to be adaptable to the ever-changing business landscape, and he soon found his niche in digitalization.

Meet YongLe, Founder of Guidesify: A Digitalization Pioneer and a Trusted Partner to Singapore's SMEs
Photo Courtesy: Guidesify

YongLe Began His Early Days In Dropshipping

Fueled with ambition, YongLe dabbled in dropshipping, which was highly profitable at the time. However, managing the operations was an intense grind and was very tiring. He knew the venture would be unsustainable in the long run, so he did what he knew best – to adapt.

Entry Into Blogging And The Start Of SEO Mastery

The search for a sustainable business led him to blogging.  It started off as a casual endeavor where YongLe would share stories about his travels and lifestyle. During the process, the then-teenager began learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and managed to drive 350,000 monthly viewers to his blog site. His SEO skills led him to a pivotal moment in his journey, where he recognized the value he could offer to businesses through his SEO expertise. 

Stepping out of his comfort zone, he began connecting with emerging startups like Syfe, Stashaway, and YouTrip—companies that have since become major players in their respective industries. With his SEO know-how, YongLe soon helped these businesses generate leads through online marketing strategies.

These small businesses were able to generate significant revenue and take the company to the next level thanks to his online strategies. His endeavor helped to pay off his university bills and even made a little extra after. YongLe reflects on that period of hustle.

A Vision Of Digitalisation And IT Solutions For Small Businesses

After the success of using SEO to drive organic traffic into website, YongLe was inspired. He dreamed of the opportunities and a world where he could help other small businesses alike to take flight. Guided by his passion, he took a Master of IT in Business Analytics at SMU, to further enhance his skill sets and knowledge.  Investing in himself, YongLe was ready to pursue his dream.

Enter Guidesify: The Start Of A Digitalisation Journey For Singapore SMEs

Meet YongLe, Founder of Guidesify: A Digitalization Pioneer and a Trusted Partner to Singapore's SMEs
Photo Courtesy: Guidesify

His entrepreneurial instincts and his passion for digitalization culminated in the founding of Guidesify. 

The company represents his vision to become an IT solutions partner for other SMEs in Singapore, especially as Singaporean businesses aim to thrive in a digital world. His mission is to become a leading digital solutions provider for other SMEs in Singapore. “The goal is to equip other small businesses with the skills and foundation to take charge of their own digital transformation journey”, YongLe explains. 

Digitalization is a long journey that SMEs in Singapore need to start embracing today. Yet, this is a mindset that not many other entrepreneurs have adopted. 

The CEO Believes That SMEs Need To Take A New Approach To Digitalisation

Many businesses in Singapore outsource their digital campaigns and online presence to third-party vendors. While this may seem like a convenient solution, YongLe believes it’s unsustainable in the long-run. “Outsourcing is costly over time, and no one understands a business better than its owner,” he explains.

As an SME owner himself, YongLe believes that the best way forward is to empower businesses to take control of their digital transformation. Monthly recurring costs affect SMEs’ cash flow, which is very important for most small businesses. Guidesify differs from other existing IT firms that usually take on clients through a retainer by offering a one-time fee with grant support and low overhead monthly costs for website hosting.

In this way, SMEs can lay a strong digital foundation at a fraction of the cost. Today, Guidesify is a pre-approved vendor with IMDA and Enterprise Singapore. SMEs that seek Guidesify IT services are entitled to 50% grant support (called Productivity Solutions Grant), which will defray the cost of their IT solutions. Guidesify’s grant-supported solutions help businesses develop powerful eCommerce websites and develop a strong digital marketing foundation centred around SEO. The overall impact is to help businesses organically rank highly on popular search engines like Google and Bing. 

The Final Destination Is Still Far From Sight

But digital marketing is not the final destination. “There was not a fixed destination from the start,” he explains. “It was a journey—starting with dropshipping, then blogging, and eventually expanding into IT solutions.” Eyeing technologies like generative AI, he sees enormous potential to streamline SEO processes for clients. “Guidesify is working on AI solutions that can curate SEO content and automatically post it to WordPress sites.” Utilizing AI’s power, businesses can easily grow their online traffic without diverting many resources from usual day-to-day operations.

Just like his entrepreneurship journey so far, Guidesify represents YongLe’s dedication to being adaptable to the changing digital landscape, and to use advanced technologies to help the SMEs in Singapore.

The Biggest Challenge For YongLe Is To Build A Team Around His Vision

One of the biggest hurdles he faced early on was finding the right team around him.In Singapore, it is common for many to hold a full-time position while trying to make a startup work. “Most people have other commitments and priorities,” he says. “I had to part ways with two co-founders due to commitment issues and also differences in vision for the company.”

Despite these setbacks, YongLe never gave up. He continued to network, meeting new people and building a team aligned with his goals. “It’s a never-ending process, but it’s crucial to constantly evaluate your team and make sure they’re the right fit for the company.”

Integrity and transparency are the core values that guide YongLe’s leadership at Guidesify.“I’m always straightforward with clients,” he says. “They need to understand both the pros and cons of their decisions in their digital transformation.”His honesty extends to his team, ensuring that developers provide clients with the training they need to manage their websites independently, empowering them to take control of their digital journey. It’s all about empowering clients to take charge of their digital journey.

YongLe’s Proudest Moment Came When Guidesify Helped A Business Fully Automate Their e-Commerce Operations Using AI

Meet YongLe, Founder of Guidesify: A Digitalization Pioneer and a Trusted Partner to Singapore's SMEs
Photo Courtesy: Guidesify

One of YongLe’s proudest moments as CEO was helping a business owner fully automate their e-commerce operations in selling eSIMs. From ordering to the delivery of eSIMs to customers. “We streamlined the entire process using AI,” he recalls.

“It is rare, at this stage, to have a fully digitalized SME, and we’re proud to have played a part in that.”The success has inspired YongLe to pursue the next step in Guidesify’s journey to integrate more advanced AI solutions into his services. 

A Friendly Advice For Aspiring And Current Entrepreneurs 

For aspiring entrepreneurs, YongLe has a simple piece of advice: “Be open-minded, and listen to what others have to say.” He understands that one gets easily over-confident at the start, as he once was. Such a mindset will close you off from opportunities and knowledge from others around you.The digital revolution is part of a larger change in the business landscape, and as rapid technological changes occur, business owners need to stay open to new ways of doing things.

While no one can be certain of the future ahead, YongLe wants “to be at the forefront of digital innovation, helping SMEs stay ahead of the curve”.As a small business owner since young, YongLe curates his services to consider the needs of SMEs in Singapore. From a young man hustling to pay his bills to the CEO of a thriving IT solutions firm, YongLe’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, hard work, and an unyielding desire to succeed. And for Guidesify, the future looks brighter than ever.


Published By: Aize Perez


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