Dr. April Carter Brings an Extraordinary Fitness Program in Lake Charles, Louisiana

Dr. April Carter believes in the value of introducing only the best and the most effective fitness program to people. As a medical expert, she has explored numerous programs across the country to find the one which she can proudly and confidently promote. Having found this helpful and effective program with HOTWORX Fitness Studios, Dr. Carter brought the franchise to Lake Charles, Louisiana, where she knows it will make a huge difference in the fitness goals of people in the area. 

As a distinguished physician and a fellow with the American College of Physicians, Dr. Carter believes in the value of compassionate health care and how it can make a lasting impact on the lives of people. Dr. Carter has always had a passion for promoting health and wellness. HOTWORX Fitness Studios has undoubtedly given her that platform to provide that service to the community.  

The HOTWORX program is a virtually instructed exercise program specially designed for users to experience the many benefits of infrared heat absorption as they complete a thirty-minute isometric workout or fifteen-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session. The infrared heat penetrating the body will cause it to sweat, and the isometric postures accelerate detoxification in a remarkable manner. Flushing toxins out of the body and burning massive amounts of calories in the process are two very effective and groundbreaking combinations. This is why Dr. Carter did not hesitate to get a franchise and make the program available to people in Lake Charles, Louisiana. 

HOTWORX is proven to improve strength, cardio, flexibility, circulation, immunity while also burning fat, decreasing workout recovery time, and increasing metabolism. These phenomenal benefits align with Dr. Carter’s personal and professional opinion about the kind of fitness program that people need today.

Dr. Carter has a clear direction of where she wants to bring her franchise in the next couple of years as she continues to advocate for a fitness program that generates exceptional results. She sees herself opening two more HOTWORX Fitness Studios franchises in the Houston area, where she believes she will capture a market that has long been waiting for the kind of results that her business brings. As a franchise owner, she is determined to contribute to bringing HOTWORX Fitness Studios to the next level and, in doing so, making a huge difference in the community. 

“I want to be remembered as someone who impacted the community for all women” Dr. Carter shared. “I want to leave a legacy of service and advancement. I want to leave a generation of entrepreneurs, doctors, and healthcare professionals who know they have the power to make a difference.”

Dr. Carter was only 35 years old when she ventured into the HOTWORX Fitness Studios franchise. She had a clear set of goals as a physician and fitness advocate, knowing that there are countless people out there who will benefit greatly from the brand of service and program that she brings to the community. Combining her medical expertise and the phenomenal breakthroughs experienced by clients at HOTWORX Fitness Studios, she is helping shape a generation of healthier and physically fit individuals. 

Learn more about Dr. April Carter and HOTWORX Fitness Studios by visiting this website


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