Conzuri: About The Founder

My initial obsessions began in the film/creative space; learning the ropes of editing softwares and making short films in my free time. I wanted to become a film director and did as much work experience in the media industry as I could get.

In 2015, I found a new obsession for fitness and co-founded a fitness page on Instagram (which grew to 140,000 followers on socials by 2020). In this period, I became immersed in the world of viral content marketing – which coincided perfectly with my creative background. 

Whilst growing this page, I decided to take advantage of my new skill-sets in social media growth, to form a growth-agency that helped businesses to scale their online presence. It didn’t get to a life-changing scale, but it was able to fund my University life and further my experience in the marketing world.

Hundreds of ideas later, Conzuri was founded – and since its conception, I’ve been applying my love for creative production, audience growth and viral marketing, to build the biggest (and best) brand possible. 

Having amassed 10s of millions of views on TikTok alone, we have been able to curate an incredible audience in a previously out-dated category. 

We are well on the way to becoming the best confidence brand in the world, giving underserved men the opportunity to feel good and look good. 

This is just the beginning and we have so many products planned over the next 12 months…



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