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Today it is no longer shameful to write in your resume that you play online games – this can qualitatively distinguish you from the rest! No matter how amazing it may sound, they can really benefit in the development of soft skills, leadership qualities, and the ability to work in a team.
System analysis
Anyone who enters the game, especially an online game, immediately begins to analyze the interface, the composition of units, the map of the game, the available abilities of the characters, and the enemy potential. As soon as the game begins, the player must devise a plan to inflict the most damage on the adversary while obtaining the most bonuses.
In fact, this is the system analysis. This is a skill that was previously available only to the intellectual elite, that is, professors, scientists, and CEOs of large companies. Now anyone can master it. The current generation of gamers differs from the past in that gamers learn faster, and adapt to new conditions.
Perseverance and self-improvement
Gamers have an unconscious need to always better themselves. When you play, you have established behaviors in which you are continually working on mistakes to get outcomes, i.e., to win the game. Most individuals lose up after failing at anything once or twice in real life. However, most players will attempt again and again until they succeed. When they play, for instance, the newest Blizzard release, they want not only to fulfill the task or finish the quest, they want to do it in the best way with Diablo 4 boost allowing it to perform the greatest, earning as many points as possible. Furthermore, active players learn new things faster and adapt to new situations more quickly.
Indeed, some gamers are more resistant to failures in life because the game allows them to distract themselves from the problem, tune in to a positive mood, analyze mistakes, and start fighting again. However, this applies only to those players for whom success in passing the game is important, for which they sincerely rejoice. The same gamers who enjoy only the process of the game itself tend to be indifferent to success in real life, “close down” if they fail, and conduct a “defensive” strategy, that is, to fence themselves off from accepting failure as such.
Researchers concluded that gamers have superior learning capacities, particularly if they play more dynamic games like Call of Duty. The study included two groups of people: some played Sims, while others played Call of Duty for 50 hours over nine weeks. Following that, the participants took exams to determine their aptitude to learn. The second group completed the assignment more quickly than the first. Scientists have discovered that in video games, people must swiftly adapt to a new environment, which improves their overall learning capacity.
Teamwork and leadership skills
Gamers are great team players and leaders, which may seem strange at first: after all, they spend a lot of time alone with their computers. But it was not there.
Online gamers understand that the outcome of the game is determined not only by their participation but also by how they perform in the team. At the same time, players are willing to undertake little regular duties for overall success, for the sake of obtaining the ultimate objective, that is, to labor for a long time for the outcome, even for many months. And if you take on a leadership role in the game and lead a team of people, then you need to explain your position and negotiate with people you have never seen, with whom you have never talked before. This is a leadership experience. Furthermore, the games are quite regimented. Because you understand that to win, you must act quickly, have some talents, and obey commands.
There are few parallels between how gamers behave online and how they behave in real life. However, behavioral patterns that occur both online and offline seem to be quite relevant. It is, for example, openness, or readiness to change. This is especially true in terms of technological growth: gamers are more equipped for technological breakthroughs since they must continually improve their characters and produce outcomes to proceed to the next level. Furthermore, the game promotes self-confidence, which improves both productivity and social abilities.
If you are applying for a job in any technology company, it is no longer superfluous to indicate in your resume what computer games you play, and what achievements you have in them. This will be especially true if you want to work in the gaming industry. If the potential managers have gaming experience, they will understand that by playing online games, you become a human orchestra, because you need to perform many tasks at the same time and monitor various indicators.
Life situations training
Thanks to computer games, a person can practice behaving in various life situations. In online games, a gamer develops various soft skills, and if the game has an educational aspect, the gamer will have more motivation to continue learning. This is the conclusion of scientists from the City University of New York. As a result of the study, it was shown that educational games increase the motivation of schoolchildren to study “boring” subjects, for example, mathematics.
A person may practice any ability that would be valuable in real life through gaming. Everything here is animal-like: when the cubs play with each other, they employ tactics that will help them hunt, communicate with each other, and survive.
Online games destroy any stereotypes that are associated, among other things, with the ethnic or national characteristics of a person. After all, while you’re in the game, it doesn’t matter who your comrade is. You are united by one goal, and this awareness becomes more important than what kind of body you are in, the lecturer stressed.