CEO Weekly’s 10 Business Masterminds of 2022

It takes more than just business acumen to rise in the ranks of business leaders in today’s environment. Most successful entrepreneurs take it to the next level through grit and determination. More importantly, they know the value they bring not only to their clients but also to the communities they support. Whether it be coaching, consulting, leadership or empowerment,  they find ways to further their influence and share their success.

1. Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership

The Tony Robbins Platinum Partnership provides an exclusive group of players the opportunity to network and learn from Tony Robbins and his brilliant roster of master teachers. With this annual commitment, members can receive personalized coaching from the organization and can attend Tony’s live events whenever they want, as often as they’d like, and anywhere in the world. Membership also includes traveling to some of the most breathtaking places in the world. 


2. Alex Peykoff  The Satisfied Life Mastermind & Movement

Born in Long Beach, California, Alex Peykoff is a third-generation American entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker. Alex is the son of Andrew Peykoff Sr., founder of Niagara Water and Bottling, the world’s largest privately-owned beverage company. In addition to his entrepreneurial ventures, Alex is the author of the bestselling book Get Your Satisfaction: A Short Guide to a Happier, More Satisfied Life, which tackles the psychological barriers that prevent people from stepping out of their comfort zones and reaching their maximum potential. 


3. YPO

Founded by Ray Hickok in 1950, the Young Presidents Organization (YPO) is considered one of the oldest, most respected, and most prominent masterminds globally. At present, it connects 30,000 CEOs from all over the world exclusively, with members connecting in-person and online throughout the year. YPO has a revenue of over 13 million and is supported by 50 full-time employees. Its events include renowned speakers such as Richard Branson, Steve Wozniak, and heads of state. YPO has an invite-only admission with a reasonable annual fee. 


4. Dan Martell

Build your SaaS startup and get to know the “3 Ps of Growth” in the Growth Accelerator: Product, Positioning, and Promotion. Create a compelling software, position it in the right market, and promote it appealingly to gain traction towards the $10K/MRR goal. Scale your software company, optimize businesses’ revenue engines, and build their escape velocity.


5. Women in Tech

Women in Tech is an international non-profit organization that advocates for the empowerment of girls and women around the world, helping them adapt to technology and overcome the gender gap. Its global movement currently has chapters in six continents with over 70,000 members, focusing mainly on Sustainable Development Goal 5b: harnessing technologies and aiming to educate, equip, and empower women and girls with the essential skills, confidence, and opportunities they need to advance in STEM career fields.


6. Genius Creators Collective

Genius Creators Collective is an exclusive community of young industry influencers that connect and empower to build the future. It was designed for young leaders who desire a collective space to connect, learn, grow, and flourish. With founders running their own investment companies, the community also serves as a basis for their investment ventures. The members, dubbed as Genius Creators, range from entrepreneurs, musicians, athletes, actors, executives, investors, and artists born during and after 1985. The community regularly meets online twice a month and hosts events at luxurious properties around the world. 


7. Elevate Club

The Elevate Club is a peer-to-peer learning community that helps members achieve their full potential in their personal and professional lives by enhancing four key areas: spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional capacities. It is composed of over 100 CEOs, entrepreneurs, executives, and thought leaders from the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, India, and Guatemala. These members regularly connect through keynotes and seminars, on-demand online courses, and discussion-sharing in a private online community. Serial entrepreneur and #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author and creator of Friday Forward, Robert Glazer, leads the group. Glazer’s Friday Forward is an inspirational newsletter with over 300,000 readers per week.


8. Selfless Givers Mastermind

Selfless Givers Mastermind is an exclusive mastermind composed of multiple reputable best-selling authors, Young Presidents Organization (YPO) members, and hall of fame speakers. The group specializes in marketing and creating businesses that change the landscape for various industries, including real estate, startups, and consulting firms. With their influence in various fields and industries, they were able to get members to #1 on the Wall Street Journal list three times in the year 2020. The annual $55,000 membership includes a trip to a remote location. In fact, the group rented a 90-foot yacht off-coast of Cabo last year. 


9. The Conscious Leader Mastermind – Gerard Adams

Conscious Leader Mastermind pride themselves on a world-class network that will power up and accelerate your path to financial fulfillment, global influence, and joyful spiritual growth. A full-stack, exclusive experience for 33 selective individuals… and you’re one of the lucky 33.You’ve built your business. You have success. Now what? This Conscious Leader Mastermind is an exclusive high-level group for established entrepreneurs and high performers who are ready for their next level of self-mastery alongside a world-class network of leaders.


10. The Lifestyle Investor Mastermind

Justin Donald’s Mastermind is perfect for anyone looking for a space beyond his books, courses, and podcasts. The Lifestyle Mastermind is a 12-month program that helps you connect with top investors and build your confidence, skills, network, and portfolio. Members can learn tax strategies from high net-worth individuals, helping them gain more than pay for their investments. Additionally, they are offered a preferred rate to invest alongside Justin in his deals. Members meet annually in person and monthly online. If you prefer less work and envision a new lifestyle, this is the mastermind for you. 


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