Brianna MacMahon: A Rising Star in Political Fiction

Brianna MacMahon: A Rising Star in Political Fiction
Photo Courtesy: Brianna MacMahon

By: Seraphina Quinn

Brianna MacMahon is a young and passionate writer making waves in the world of political fiction. Born in Danbury, Connecticut, Brianna moved to New York State as a baby and has lived there ever since. Her journey to becoming an author is marked by a deep interest in political systems and a love for creating complex fictional worlds.

Brianna attended Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York, where she majored in history and political science. This academic background laid the foundation for her book series, which explores complex political systems in a fictional universe. Her college years were a time of exploration and creativity, blending her academic pursuits with her passion for writing.

After graduating from Hartwick College, Brianna went on to earn a master’s degree in political science from Syracuse University. She completed her degree in 2020, a year that everyone remembers for its unique challenges. During her studies, Brianna became well versed in various political systems and theories, which she skillfully integrated into her writing.

Brianna has worked as a freelance editor and proofreader for the past four years while pursuing her writing career. Her ultimate goal is to become a full-time author, a dream she is steadily working towards. Brianna’s determination and dedication to her writing are evident in her thoughtful and engaging storytelling.

Brianna’s debut book series, which she began conceptualizing during her undergraduate years, is a testament to her ability to write political intrigue with compelling stories. The series draws inspiration from real-world political events, such as the 2016 presidential election, which was the first election Brianna could vote in. This experience deeply influenced her writing, providing an emotional outlet for her thoughts and feelings about the political landscape.

In her books, specifically, On the Precipice she creates a fictional world with its own political system, allowing readers to explore power, governance, and societal change themes. Her storytelling is not limited to American politics but is designed to be relatable to readers worldwide. Brianna’s goal is to make her fictional political universe universal, resonating with people from different countries and backgrounds.

One of the central themes in Brianna’s work is the examination of sexism and gender equality within political systems. She portrays a society where women are beginning to rise in the ranks of government, facing pushback from those who feel threatened by this change. Through her characters and their struggles, Brianna highlights the ongoing fight for gender equality and the complexities of navigating a male-dominated political landscape.

Brianna’s passion for political science and history is evident in her writing, but she also acknowledges the emotional toll that studying these subjects can take. She experienced burnout during her time in academia, which led her to pursue writing as a way to keep her passion alive without the pressures of academic life. Writing allows Brianna to explore her interests creatively and imaginatively, free from the constraints of real-world politics.

In addition to her academic influences, Brianna’s personal experiences have shaped her writing. Her books reflect her keen observations of political systems and the human condition, offering readers a nuanced and thought-provoking perspective. Brianna’s ability to blend personal insights with broader political themes makes her work both engaging and meaningful.

Despite her challenges, such as writer’s block and imposter syndrome, Brianna remains committed to her writing. She tackles writer’s block by breaking down the writing process into manageable pieces, allowing her to focus on different parts of her book as inspiration strikes. Brianna’s approach to overcoming imposter syndrome involves recognizing that everyone has their own unique journey and strengths, and she continues to gain confidence in her abilities as an author.

Looking to the future, Brianna plans to expand her book series, potentially creating a trilogy or even a four-book series. The next installment will delve deeper into the aftermath of a significant election, exploring the impact on various power players and the broader universe. Readers can expect more world-building and character development, with new characters introduced alongside the established cast.

Brianna’s dedication to her readers extends beyond just the content of her books. She understands the importance of accessibility and has made her book available in multiple formats, including ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook. This commitment ensures that readers can enjoy her work in the way that best suits their lifestyles.

As an author, Brianna is focused on storytelling and the broader impact of her work. She hopes that her books will inspire readers to think critically about power, politics, and society. By creating a fictional world that mirrors real-world complexities, Brianna encourages readers to reflect on their own political systems and the roles they play within them.

Brianna MacMahon is a talented and insightful writer who brings a fresh perspective to political fiction. Her academic background, personal experiences, and passion for storytelling combine to create compelling and thought-provoking books. As she continues to grow as an author, Brianna’s work promises to captivate and inspire readers, offering a unique lens through which to explore the complex world of politics and power.


Published By: Aize Perez


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